Uncle fell in love with sex doll ready to propose

Tom, a 58-year-old American man, bought a sex doll named Jana in our mall, an exquisite sex doll, to spend his life with. He often uses his wheelchair to push Jana to the bar to pass the time. Tom’s doll is worth about $1,200. Tom’s friends also like Jana, because it looks like a real person and is prettier. Every time they invite Tom, they look forward to Jana’s new clothes.

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Before going out, Tom would dress up the sex doll Jana, then gently support her in a wheelchair and take her out. Meanwhile, Tom will do his best to convince the bar owners to let him take Jana for drinks.

To Tom, Jana is a real woman. He was very happy when Jana was with him. So no matter the weird views in society, or the unfriendly comments, whether they accept it or not, Tom will agree with him. This expensive and realistic love doll spent a lifetime together.

In the eyes of Tom’s friends, they don’t care that Tom takes other living animals, or inanimate sex dolls, wood, or even machines, as his wife. Instead, they thought it was cool because it was personal freedom. Anyway, it’s a way of expressing love. In fact, Tom was a man of great character, and many people in town enjoyed dealing with him.

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Tom said he was not a fanciful or fetish person, nor was he paranoid. It’s just that his current life makes him very satisfied. He doesn’t need to spend extra time maintaining the relationship with the other half. It is extremely happy for him to have a beautiful “woman” to accompany him every day.

It is understood that Tom recently proposed to his sex doll Jana. He chose rings, engraved each other’s names, and the first day they met. His only hope now is that Jana can nod in agreement on the day of the proposal.

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