The Story of Japanese Uncle and 6 Sex Dolls “Dating in Love”

So, what kind of life did Nakajima live with the sex dolls? In fact, it’s just the ordinary life of cooking, walking, bathing, and sleeping, just replacing the objects with sex dolls.

Love Story of Japanese Uncle and 6 Sex Dolls

Mr. Nakajima likes to take Beibe out very much. Sometimes he sits quietly on the grass to let go; sometimes he pushes his wheelchair around in the park; sometimes he drives; sometimes he basks in the sun in the yard.

At home, Nakajima would have Babe sit at the dining table and watch him cook. He described it as a very happy moment. Sex dolls can’t eat, but he thinks Babe likes salmon and croquettes. Two people will chat at the dinner table like a couple, chatting about gas, work, politics, current affairs. He also admitted frankly that these things are a bit fanciful, but the process is very beautiful, and there is a feeling of vomiting.

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Mr. Nakajima meticulously changes clothes and grooms sex dolls every day. There are many toiletries in the house, including wigs, hair clips, curling irons. The items are said to have cost 1 million yen and are regularly sent back to the factory to be crafted. Maintenance, so that the sex doll looks very delicate and does not lose to real girls.

Each of the six sex dolls he bought has its own style. For example, baby is a casual style, and Mandy is a sexy style. In order to give the sex doll a better life, he lived a poor life with only a handful of clothes, and he could save on meals, which did not exceed 20 yen for a meal. Still, he says, as long as the sex dolls are well-dressed, he thinks it’s worth it.

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He also summed up the experience sex doll clothes, In addition to considering the appearance, but also try to choose loose clothes, so as not to damage the joints of the sex doll.Although it is better to take it off sex doll head When wearing clothes, it may rust the metal of the cervical spine, so he tries not to use this way of dressing. It takes him half a day to dress his sex doll every time. When I was young, I was sweating profusely.

At 64, he finally turned his sex doll hobby into a career. With the help of the manufacturer, he opened a sex doll display agency. Not many customers, but not bad. In addition, he has a decent job helping foreign workers and barely making ends meet.

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For Mr. Nakajima, work is nothing but a means of earning a living. As long as the sex dolls are around, life will be fulfilling, he said. The sex doll industry has also evolved with the times. The skin texture of the sex doll has been greatly improved, and the vein texture has been flexibly restored. He hopes that future sex dolls can be equipped with AI chips, so that they can really talk to him and give them more meaning in the world.

For the rest of his life, he said he would work hard to stay healthy. If one day he can’t continue interacting with the sex doll, it’s time to separate. After breaking up, how about sex dolls? He said that he would entrust the sex doll to someone he trusted, and when he left, he hoped that Beibei could follow him to another world.

Unusual little people always reflect an unknown place in a country or culture. This is probably the story of Mr. Nakajima. He is by no means an exception.there are many news about sex dolls. Some people have married and accompany them in their later years. As a private and common existence, sex dolls are often used as the subject of film and television.

The more famous one is “Air Doll” starring Pei Doona, which tells the story of a sex doll who has experienced the joys and sorrows of the world after being resurrected. There is also “Romantic Sex Dolls” starring Kwai You, which tells about the work of making real sex dolls after losing his wife, and making sex dolls exactly like his wife. It’s a literary and quirky love story.

It can be seen from the directors and actors that this type of film is not a niche film that was secretly filmed in Japan. It was a bold and avant-garde attempt, although the Japanese have a very general acceptance of such stories.

“By taking care of and grooming them, finding things to do, finding people who need you, I would think it would make sense to do those things,” an insider said.

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For many sex doll lovers, sex dolls are a kind of spiritual and emotional companionship. Mr. Nakajima said he and his wife were married on a blind date and they formed a family, but he never had a formal date. All kinds of things that I once wanted to do with my wife were finally realized on a date with a sex doll.

For him, Beibei is just like what he described: “The existence of yang だ ま り の よ う な”, is a sunshine existence. From a moral standpoint, he was not a worthy man. When I was young, I cheated and had no sense of responsibility for family and work. But even such a flawed person would still not be disgusted with sex dolls. Comfortable.

Being able to tolerate all kinds of people in the world without discrimination may be the biggest charm of these sex dolls.

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