Tag Archives: KIIROO

Kiiroo Onyx Porn and Male Masturbation

This unique male masturbator retracts without you moving and is remotely controlled by the corresponding Kiiroo adult toy sex dolls for sale . It connects you to a partner via Bluetooth-enabled video chat and moves in sync with their movements to simulate penetration in real time. When repairing wear on a sex doll with a […]

KIIROO Interactive Sex Toy Brochure

connect sex dolls for sale . Kontaktiere unseren Kundendienst unter: info@kiiroo. Mo-Do 9:30-17:00 Uhr & Fr 9:30-15:00 Uhr. KIIROO® ist ein preisgekröntes Unternehmen für interaktives Sexspielzeug, das Dir die Möglichkeit gibt, Deinen Partner zu spüren und mit digitalen Videoinhalten auf eine ganz neue Art und Weise zu interagieren. So to give you a head start, […]

KIIROO® ONYX+™ PEARL2™ Black Couple Set

June 8, 2022 · onyx plus arrived in 5 days in discreet packaging LOL sex dolls for sale . My girlfriend bought pearls. We spent an evening starting with dinner and a bottle of wine to get the mood up. Fortunately, it was easy to connect my toy with hers (luckily, because 1 bottle became […]

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