Tag Archives: cheap sex doll

me and sex dolls

British TV Channel 5 aired a documentary called The Business of Adult Products: Me and Sex Dolls. The camera focuses on a woman named Jed Stanley, a mother of four. Zhong Yi described her extraordinary business philosophy from the first point of view. Before getting into the industry, Jade ran a beauty agency. After accidentally […]

Lifelike sex dolls from experience halls to nursing homes

As production of sex dolls with lifelike partners increases, sellers are finding more and more innovative ways to make money from sex dolls. Serge has already started placing doll machines in his personal online store, and he has a bold plan to tap into a potential new market: nursing homes. Elderly people can spend happy […]

Life photography related to sex dolls and owners

Photographers often find interesting shooting topics through online forums. Some anime lovers like all kinds of cosplay, you can see many different types of clothing, and watch various online two-dimensional exhibitions; some pet lovers like to photograph all kinds of novel animals, and will go to places such as Post Bar, but for Copenhagen , […]



Sex Dolls Are Not Just Sex Toys, They’re Life Companions

Are married sex dolls sex toys or life partners? Can it emotionally replace a real person? Does its presence have any effect on intimacy in reality? In fact, the cost of purchasing a life-size sex doll is not cheap, and a doll may only have a maximum lifespan of 4-5 years. What its buyers need […]

Man gives up real dating and decides to marry a sex robot

In most cultures, weddings are a time of joy and joy. But for Xiao Zheng’s mother, her son’s wedding should be the same, but she doesn’t seem to be particularly happy. When her 31-year-old son brought his fiancée home, she was pleasantly surprised, knowing that everything would change. Because her future daughter-in-law is a realistic […]

Human emotions in the eyes of sex dolls

Sex dolls have appeared in TV shows and movies in the past. Sometimes the depictions are creative, sensitive, and even a little funny. An example of this is Bubble Love, starring Ryan Gosling. Now, someone has decided to focus an entire sitcom on one sex doll. The show is Baby Love, starring Anna Kendrick (Pitch […]

What can a real-life doll be for a lonely person?

Many people think that adult dolls are just erotic tools to satisfy their sexual attraction, but this is a limited understanding of these fascinating creatures. For a lonely or heartbroken person, this is a great way to get some love. Today, people accept these fabulous dolls as their life partners and family members. Recently, it […]

How do 100cm sex dolls generate excitement among sex lovers?

The industry brought the parameters of sex doll sizes. The 100cm sex doll has even made a splash among sex lovers. The latest definition of love today is the best use of sex dolls. These dolls can be easily purchased from special online stores.One various dolls available, which will completely surprise you. O-shaped dolls are […]

4 Sensual Bedroom Decorating Tips for Every Sex Doll Buyer

Your bedroom says a lot about your sex life. The way it’s decorated tells you how much you and your partner are in the mood to “like” having sex. A woman does everything she can to make sure her lover feels erotic and lewd while engaging in sex; bedroom decor is one of many techniques. […]

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