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(Popularity Rate: 41 ) Is information technology from UBIT or architecture and civil engineering from NED? Also, my interest is in both fields.

– which mainly offer courses pertaining to web page and web application development – while others tend to be mote pertinent to MIS or a business degree. It is always a good idea to check the program’s coursework first.
To provide a rebuttal to the answer about an IT degree not meeting the requirements of system engineers, this once again depends on the degree. My university is actually a primary source of recruitment strapless dildo male for a few major companies who are searching for systems engineers. This is because the IT program at my university is comprised of networking classes, an infrastructure class, database classes, web development classes, security classes, a programming series, a capstone project, a mandatory internship, and a specialization.
I did find out, however, that a lot of IT degrees are synonymous with MIS degrees, and I have had to explain that my program of study is actually offered through the College of Engineering and Information Technology and is actually closer to an engineering degree.
If you complete a similar IT program with a variety of courses, you will be more than capable of performing as a system engineer or database administrator or security analyst or network administrator or anything else you would like. These courses will prepare you to specialize in an area later on, and if you find you Small Breast Sex Dolldo not like that field, you will be able to transition easily into another field.
With that being said, there are some careers to which a computer science degree is clearly tailored. If you want to be a software engineer, a game developer, or something along those lines, then I strongly recommend pursuing a degree in computer science. If yo

(Popularity Rate: 39 ) Is Brock Lesnar the closest thing we have to a real life Hulk? I mean he’s big, strong, and throw guys twice his size like a rag doll.

Andre the Giant at the Nassau County Colliseum. The Iron Shiek just been crowned the WWF heavyweight champion. I cant recall if he was still champion. He may have been. We sat in the second row not up in the bleachers.
The Iron Shiek stood 6 feet tall at that time and he was supposed to weigh 258 lbs and he looked it.
Andre was allegedly 7’ 8” and 580 lbs but he looked bigger, much bigger. I thought he was around 8 feet tall or more because I saw him enter the Collissum arena area through the archway and he had to bend down to get in. Wikipedia lists him as 7’4” and 520 lbs but that appears to be incorrect.
Everyone understood that all of these matches are pre-arranged shows. No one really thinks they are real (or at least most people don’t think that). Here’s the thing – the idea was to make it look like a contest between Andre and the Iron Sheik but they couldn’t. The match looked like a 6 year old against a fully grown and tall adult (6 year old, maybe a 10 year old, not even an adolescent). The Iron Sheik couldn’t even budge Andre except when Andre allowed him to move him and when he did, it was pretty obvious. In contrast, Andre moved the Iron Sheik around the ring at will, like he was dealing with a child. There was no contest at all and it was apparent to everyone that the size disparity was so great they couldn’t make it a show no matter how hard they tried (and they did try). That match lasted for around 20 minutes of unremitting punishment involving the Sheik being picked up as though he were a (light) sack of potatoes, thrown large distances, or jumped on.
When the match ended the people in front and immediately in back of us who really had a good view of what happened were pretty quiet except for one old guy behind me who said – “Geez I don’t know what they could have paid that A-rab guy but it sure wasn’t enough.”
Brock Lesnar is 6’3 and 280 lbs or so. 3 inches and 30 pounds wouldn’t make any difference nor would 6 inches and 100 pounds. Lesner would be tossed around like a salad. The first time Andre hit him on the back of the neck for real would be the end of Lesner.
Prior to actually seeing Andre the Giant in person, just like everyone else, I’d seen him on television any number of times. I thought he was a big big guy but his television appearances never conveyed just how big he really really was. I’d heard stories about his food and alcohol consumption that I thought was an obvious exaggeration for publicity and hype – 90 bottles of beer at one time, and at another time, an entire case of wine and so on. Having seen him in person, I revised my opinion. It probably would be possible for someone that big to consume the amount of food or alcohol at one time that had been reported.
There have been other very very large men in the WWF since Andre but none ever approached his size. Andre was the bigg

(Popularity Rate: 41 ) What would it look like if every generic character in GTA single player is an AI with learning ability? Is that the future of video games?

Any technology that is strapless dildo male out in front is traditionally either going to be to do with sex or the military (death), so Real Doll are on the cutting edge of AI development (selling dolls at $20k a pop also helps…)
Ex-Machina and Real Doll ask an interesting question which you are hinting at here… does an artificial construct have rights ?
In Ex-Machina, robot designer Nathan “pimps out” Ava, claiming that she is perfectly capable of having and enjoying sexual intercourse. The Real Dolls are programmed with responses and learning behaviour around the user’s preference for audible sexual interaction.
But Nathan, and the creators of Real Doll can look under the hood. These are constructs, artificially created with power tools, software and firmware. Programs to be written, unwritten, erased and destroyed.
Would AI have rights ?
In Ex-Machina Eva fights for her survival. Death is Male Sex Dollsa very real and scary prospect for “her”. Yet Nathan as her creator believes that he can have sex with her at his will, or alter or destroy her. She is his property.
Look at GTA V, and the violence inherent in the basic game can be written off because every character, whether a bystander, a bus driver, a cop or protagonist is morally reprehensible. Just follow them and listen to their dialogue, they are all vile !
Therefore driving a bus down the sidewalk, opening up a mini-gun, molotovs, grenades, using helicopter gunships to mow down these virtual people is fine. They even count how many you have murdered so you can brag to your friends.
But what if those people were looking forwards to going home and spending time with their families ? What if

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(Popularity Rate: 61 ) Is the horror movie “Annabelle” (2014), based on a true story?

Check this out!
Many years ago, a mother buys her daughter a doll to bring with her to college. I guess so she has something that makes her think about home and to comfort her.
The girl of course brings the doll with her to college and places it in a chair of some sort. In the dorm room.
One day, when the girl and her roommate came home they met a sight they would have never imagined could be true.. The doll had moved.. the girls were the only ones with the key to the room.. Who or what moved the doll?
Well the girls didn’t think much about it and put the doll back in the chair and forgot about it.
The next day the girls, have to run some errands.
They come back later that day. And once AGAIN! The doll had moved?
But not just a little bit.. the doll was in a completely different room… :-O
Again no one had access to the room.!
Very mysterious and creepy..
Anyway some time passes, and the girls keep on experiencing creepy things in the apartment.
One night the girl and her roommate came home to find the doll laying in her bed.. COVERED IN BLOOD.. nobody knows whose blood?
It seemed like the blood came from the doll!
Anyway the girls had had enough. They called experts and had them look at the doll for them.
They called the local famous couple (Ed and Lorraine warren) depicted in “the conjuring”.
They determined that the doll was no ghost. But possessed by an evil demon?
The couple agreed to get rid of the doll for them. They put it in a bag.. and began the drive home.. But here is where it got weird.. when they drove home. The engine kept going out, the power steering kept failing? :-O
Even the brakes gave them trouble..
They sprayed the doll with holy water. And it stopped.. (for a while)
Then she began doing weird things again. And they called in a priest to help them..
He looked at the doll and said “you’re just a doll. You can’t hurt anybody”
He was trying to confront the demon, and explain to it. That it didn’t belong here. And that they weren’t afraid of it.
That was a mistake, on the way home, he crashed in a horrible car accident. But survived..
Eventually the couple built a case for the doll.. where it’s still placed to this day.. you can even come visit it..
(The museum is in the warrens backyard.
It’s a part of their house. And the Annabelle doll has been there for many years.)
There was another incident during the time when the museum had guests come see the doll regularly.
Something strange once happened. Again something unexplainable.
A young couple visited the museum. They got the regular tour. And saw the different artifacts the warrens had collected from their many visits to strange houses.
On the glass cage where the Annabelle doll is protected in. (Or rather locked up to protect us!)
There is a sign that says “don’t touch the glass!”
It’s strictly forbidden to touch the glass cage… in case of a curse or whatever.
But the young couple didn’t care.. they touched the glass case. And laughed and pointed at the doll…
That was stupid.. on their way home.. (they were riding on a motorcycle) they crashed horribly.. the girl died instantly. And the guy was in a coma for 1 year…. Sounds strange? It is!!
The case freaks me out.. and it’s when I read those things I start to question what’s real and what’s not… if you don’t believe me you can read all this on google.. it’s easy to find..
I read somewhere that apparently the dorm-room where the girl lived. There was once a house, where a little girl died. And they think she is the one who possessed the doll.. but why she was evil no one knows…
You can see Lorraine warren on YouTube in front of the doll in her museum talking about the doll. And refusing to even look at the doll. She says it’s the most evil thing to ever exist on this earth.
And it must never get out of the case.
Check out the video! She is clearly disturbed by the doll and has witnessed it’s evil past..
There is also a video where the doll has to be moved into a more secure case.
It’s kinda spooky to look at. The men are clearly scared of it.
And a priest regularly comes by to say prayers and holy water is sprayed in the room and the guy who moved the doll in the video wears massive gloves so he doesn’t have contact with the doll.
(No one can touch it with their bare hands!)
It’s extremely creepy!
All the videos are on YouTub

(Popularity Rate: 59 )

those of a human being. I have pointed ears with which I can hear very well. Elves can hear over a distance of many miles when other beings are having sex. That would not be a problem, if only it Silicone Sex Dollwould not make me so horny.”, ‘Unfortunately, I do not have a lot of experience with men. I am permanently horny, because I constantly have to listen to the hot moans of other beings who have hard sex with each other. I am a totally willinganime sex doll’, “. May I serve you? I’d like you to own me. Please make me your property and use me as your anime sex doll as you wish.”, “Elves have a special feature, a mouth that is permanently open when they are not speaking and moving their lips. That means you can use my mouth as you please anytime. But I would also like to know what it feels like to have doggystyle sex. I’m sure you will have a lot of fun with me as your anime sex doll.”, ‘I was once a servant to a master. With him, I almost always had to be naked, except when there were guests. Then, I was allowed to wear tight and revealing clothes that were able to hide the most necessary. Nevertheless, it happened from time to time that my skirt slipped too high.When my master was not looking, it sometimes happened that one of the guests strapless dildo male almost accidentally reached under my skirt. I even had to spoil many guests with my mouth. My master has always said that as a good animesex doll, I have to serve not only him, but also his guests.He was a good man. In my spare time, I was allowed to pursue my hobby. I am passionate about sewing my own clothes. I would love to become a professional designer for other animelove dollsand open my own label one day. We could design se

(Popularity Rate: 14 ) How a sex toy be better?

you know how to clean each toy?Remember to always begin by following the manufacturer’s care and cleaning instructions. Allow your toys to air dry completely before storing to inhibit the growth of bacteria, mold or mildew.Store your toys in a cloth pouch or snap-top storage container in a cool, dark, dry place. Light and heat can break down sex toy materials over time and shorten the life of your precious playthings!
Most sex toys can be washed with nothing more than soap and hot water. Depending on the toy, you want to use different kinds of soap. 100% silicone toys can withstand harsh soaps like dishwashing liquid, but wood or non-silicone plastics ought to be used with milder, unscented soaps. Wash your toy for 15 seconds, avoiding any electrical ports, and then rinse it off carefully.
Do not submerge any sex toy that takes batteries, and never submerge electrical toys without checking with the manufacturer’s recommended use. If you are using anti-bacterial soap (which we suggest if your toy is used by more than one person), it needs to be left on a surface for about two minutes in order to finish killing bacteria and viruses. Rinse it off well and let it totally air dry.
A condom can be used to cover a toy during play for easy clean-up later. This is also helpful if the toy is being used by more than one person, or if being moved from anus to mouth or vagina. Never insert a sex toy (or finger! or anything else!) in the mouth or vagina if it has been used in the anus without a condom or without being washed properly. This could spread bacteria and viruses from the anus and cause infections in the vagina, urinary tract or intestines. If a condom was used with the sex toy, replace the condom with a new one before inserting into a different orifice. We know it’s easy to get carried away and lose track of which toy, finger or other object went into which hole, but this is best practice for safety, so make it part of your playtime habits!
Always remove the batteries when you’re done using any toy so they can’t leak, run down, or otherwise corrupt the toy; both the batteries and the toy itself will last longer! This will also help to keep the batteries from killing the motors. Porous toys should be covered with a condom if they’re used by more

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