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Since women use dildos, can men also have sex dolls/vaginal toys? ? ?


As the title says, there are plenty of situations where girls in love use dildos for whatever reason. So, I thought, by this logic, can men also use vaginal toys?

12 thoughts on “Since women use dildos, can men also have sex dolls/vaginal toys? ? ?

  1. gameryamen says:

    Anyone is welcome to make sex toys a part of their sex life. If someone tries to give you shit for it, ask if they’re planning on getting you off themselves whenever you want. When they say no, tell them it’s not their business then to worry about.

    That being said, I personally haven’t found a toy that feels better than what I can do with my own hand. I imagine that for some women, that plays out differently.

  2. TheSqueakyNinja says:

    Sex dolls and dildos are not comparable, more like dildos and fleshlights/pocket pussies.

    Yeah though, that logic follows. Unfortunately it’s still more stigmatized for men to have sex toys than for women, but they should be totally fine to have their own pleasure tools. It’s not like sex toys for penis owners somehow can’t be used during sex just like a dildo or vibe can.

  3. Accurate_Manner_2847 says:

    The equivalent of a dildo is a pocket pussy and yeah what would be wrong with that?

    IMO sex dolls are another conversation altogether tho

  4. ooooooohhhhno says:

    I honestly bought my man a pocket pussy around our… second Christmas together? Near that time.
    I find them totally acceptable and personally think it’s a little biased not to think they’re okay. Sure, vibrators and such can be used during sex to spice things up, while pocket pussys don’t generally come into bedroom play, but I don’t use my sex toys with JUST him. I use them alone, too, and I think he should use his whenever.

  5. yep_12345678_7 says:

    It’s an unnecessary mess to clean them.
    What are the odds that pathogens don’t grow inside of them? Can they be used multiple times? Natural vaginas are self cleaning parts.

  6. Puzzled_Income6876 says:

    Yes its great to use a sex doll for pleasure. These ultra realistic Silicone/TPE dolls are great, you can make love with them in whatever way you like and they dont complaint. You can find beautiful and life sized love dolls on [esdoll.com](https://esdoll.com) at affordable price. they have a large collection of realistic love dolls. Check them out and please share your experience.

  7. LovedollUK says:

    morally and factually yes

    but in the mind of society, we have not yet gone through the adjustment period or got to the level of advertising that vibrators and dildos have

    ann summers and the likes worked on this for years and, quite simply, we’re 10+ years behind them

    a masturbator would also be more equivalent to a dildo/vibrator

    dolls are next level – so both men and women are judged more for owning one of those

    though, with what’s gone before women would still be thought of as less creepy, didn’t Bridget jones use one?

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