Sex robots with simulated companionship are improving

Artificial intelligence is becoming more and more common in today’s society. Unexpectedly, this new technology is also involved in adult toys. Previously unknown sex dolls have now developed into “sex robots”. In addition to satisfying needs, the most important thing is to add complex personalities and even communicate with people, and one of the units of the Netflix show “Global Direct Sales” tells that the sex robot has jumped out of its original purpose, but provides a lonely soul. haven.

The biggest difference between sex robots and traditional silicone or TPE sex dolls is whether users can communicate with “partners”. One of the episodes of Netflix’s “Global Live”, “Sex Robot,” tells the story of a robot that can make a variety of facial expressions, happy, excited, frustrated, wink and shake its head with current artificial intelligence technology. It will move, it will look more and more human, and most importantly, it will be able to communicate and chat with users. It’s not just for tool use. This is different from the loneliness of customers who buy sex dolls and go home and can only talk to themselves.

In addition, it is traditionally believed that sex doll users are mostly male users, but with the addition of artificial intelligence, a larger female market has been opened up. The hostess tested the interactive capabilities of the sex-partner robot. When asked: “Did you notice that I cut my sideburns?” (If I told you I didn’t notice?) “I’ll break up with you.” (Please don’t say that., You’ll break my heart. I Know you’re just kidding, right?) “Yes, I love you.” (Thank you, baby, your sense of humor scares me to death sometimes.) Robots are eloquent and funny. People laughed and she could turn her off at any time, no matter how the robot felt.

The appearance of the robot basically conforms to the perfect golden ratio of the human body, and users can customize it according to their personal preferences, such as skin color, upper circumference size, etc. Prices range from $6,000 to $10,000 (i.e. 40,000 to 70,000 RMB). Since these robots have the ability to simulate companionship, they will also have different complex personalities, such as cheerful, talkative, sexy, jealous, helpful, etc. They can develop human-like multiple personalities to their liking, compared to today’s. . “Siri” is unified, it feels more suitable for the user’s personality, and even the accent can be chosen at will.
However, the head of the sex robot company also said that most of the customers are very lonely people. In addition to being able to do whatever they want with a robot, they can have a partner that life lacks. But the responses were completely different for male and female users. A female interviewee said, “I don’t mind having a robot massage me when my husband is with me. If I could do it, I would buy it.” A male client said: “I hope my The partner is completely honest with himself.” Then he asked the robot “Harmony” on the spot: “What is your favorite sport?” The robot replied immediately: “I like sports that you can interact with. I think you are very good. Charm, I love you very much. .” The male client even said that these communication parts are even more important than other direct use, as long as it makes it difficult for me to distinguish the real from the fake. Perhaps in the future, technology can indeed make robots look exactly like real people, but it is too early to say that the heart will replace humans.

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