Sex dolls produced by ESDOLL are considered newborns

Workers at the sex doll factory said the “birth” of each sex doll was an exciting time for employees.

Sex doll company ESDOLL Sex Technology displayed photos of the inner workings of its own sex doll factory on social platforms. In the photo, employees gathered around a busty sex doll mold.

It is reported that judging from some domestic forums, ESDOLL’s social account has nearly 20,000 followers. From the newly developed molds and finished dolls, to artists painting on the workbench, to information about various industries, ESDOLL has released various All kinds of information so that any sex doll lover can see every exciting moment about sex dolls.

Sex dolls made by esdoll treat them as newborns

In its latest article, the company wrote: “Few things feel as good as buying a sex doll and giving birth to a new baby!” In another, the company wrote: “Knowing smiles and eager The eyes seem to tell us with certainty that these dolls contain emotion.”

There are many fans of sex dolls on the internet. They call themselves sex doll lovers. Whenever a manufacturer has a new work about to be released, it is hard to hide the excitement. new sex dollbecause only a small part of it can be seen from the published information.

Many sex doll lovers call a doll a work of art and look forward to the opportunity to visit a doll factory and learn from them. In 2022, China Sex Doll Company won the “Top Ten Famous Products in the National Adult Products Industry”. At that time, under the influence of the new crown epidemic, sex doll sales soared.

Sex dolls produced by esdoll-treats-as-newborn-child-1

In the past two years, inquiries and orders from various sex doll makers around the world have surged as the Covid-19 pandemic has prevented people from socializing or dating in the traditional sense. Many voices from the outside world said that the concepts of “couple dolls” and “companion dolls” are very interesting.

People are increasingly willing to pay more money and energy for this emerging sex doll product. With the global epidemic still under control, major sex doll manufacturers are also increasing their efforts in importing and exporting prepared for stocking american sex doll warehouse and European sex doll warehouse for demand.

Manager Chen of ESDOLL Adult Products Factory said: “We are very shocked by this evaluation, and the significance to the industry is obvious.” “Thank you to all those who support us, thank you for helping us achieve this goal. This dream. We are very grateful. Proud to present this award at the factory.”

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