RealDoll invites sex doll lovers to make documentary

Headquartered in California, USA, RealDoll is one of the leaders in the global sex doll industry. They claim to be the best sex doll maker in the world. Since 1997, they have been focused on making fantasies come true. Work. Recently, they shared their TV commercial on social media, trying to invite doll lovers from all over the world to star in a documentary filming the world of sex dolls.

real doll - sex doll

Their catchphrase is: “Are you in a relationship right now, or are you thinking about dating full body doll? Are you tired of awkward appointments, impetuous fishing posts, anxious message screens? Socializing Makes You Uneasy? From now on, people choose to build the perfect partner and build deep and meaningful relationships with them. “

In this secret circle, customers can unleash their creativity at will, customizing different images for the love doll, and now they have the technology to form expressions, movements and even conversations. These interactions allow people to form real emotional bonds, and sometimes love!

It is reported that the mainstream media in the United States will push and share these efforts through diversified broadcasting. sex doll forum Or those who have been thinking about it for years of social networking. Many people commented on foreign mainstream social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc., expressing interest in participating and watching the show.

This also caused a lot of discussion.There are reports that a new wave of artificial intelligence sex doll It will make it difficult to distinguish between living, breathing humans and robots. An authority on artificial intelligence and automation in my country said: “21st century technologies, such as robotics, VR, AI, etc., have quietly entered every corner of our social and emotional lives and established friendships or more intimate relationships. “

When it comes to artificial intimacy these days, many people’s minds may jump straight to sex dolls. The sex doll company is also sparing no effort to promote its corporate philosophy, not only focusing on sex, but also the blessing of technology makes it possible to explore companionship and artificial emotions.

Although there are still taboos in the promotion of related industries, with the gradual opening of social concepts, they may one day be able to make a documentary about the life story of sex dolls.

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