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(Popularity Rate: 13 ) Are atheists aware that they are affirming that God doesn’t exist without proof?

out atheism disguised as questions aware that they are Future Dolldemonstrating complete lack of understanding of some ridiculously simple concepts?
Supreme beings… a god or gods… exist only as a matter of faith. Only those with faith believe in a god or gods because…
Faith is the belief of something without any objective evidence whatsoever (or the need for such evidence). It is essentially the opposite of reason, as reason requires objective evidence.
Atheism is the absence of belief (an absence of faith, if you will) in a god or gods. That is all it is. I will say it again — atheism is absence of belief in a god or gods, nothing more. There are no affirmations. No dogma, no doctrine, no congregation, no leaders, no faith, no proselytizing, no attempts to convert the masses, no indoctrination.
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, one cannot disprove something that has never been proven (objectively, with reason, not faith) in the first place. (I will repeat this in a moment to help it sink in.)
Perhaps it can be summed up as logic trumps faith when it comes to a god or gods, according to people capable of reason and logical, critical thinking — essentially the polar opposite of faith.
The assertion in this “question” is illogical. It incorrectly assumes the validity of its premise. One cannot prove a negative, nor would anybody with reasonable thought even bother wasting their time when the thing hasn’t been logically, reasonably, rationally proven in the first place.
Once again I find a place to ask, yet again: How is it that someone who appears to be literate, capable of holding down a job and being a functioning part of a family, a community, lose all brain function when it comes to such a simple concept? What is it about atheism that causes your circuitry to malfunction?
Solution: Stop attempting to compare apples and oranges. Faith and logic are polar opposites. There is nothing logical about believing the existance of something without any objective evidence or reasonable thought whatsoever. Stop attempting to use reason to demonstrate something based purely in faith.
In case this still is

(Popularity Rate: 66 ) Why don’t weebs combine the dark arts of cosplay and love dolls?

wn quirk “types” so far;
Emitter – This is by far the most common type of quirk; they involve the generation and/or control of things outside the users own body. For example, Bakugo’s Explosion or Yaoyorozu’s Creation. Both of these happen to use materials that are basically generated FROM the body of the user, but the actual object or effect takes place outside the body all the same.
Transformation – This type of quirk is one where the actual body of it’s user, upon activation of the quirk, is altered in some way. Examples of this are Kirishima’s Hardening or Iida’s Engine. These quirks happen to alter the physical appearance of the user when activated, on top of making whatever their underlying ability is activate. In the case of Iida, for instance, his calves will sprout small engines which then allow him to move at incredible speeds.
Mutant – Otherwise known as heteromorphic quirks. These are the rarest of them all, and tend to manifest in the form of visible mutations or alterations to the body that themselves are aspects of their ability. Examples would be Ojiro’s Tail and Tsuyu’s Frog. Typically these quirks are permanently active and also immune to Erasure.
Certain quirks fall in to a sub-type known as Accumulation; these require a buildup of some sort before they can be activated. Examples are Fat Absorption, as well as One For All, and Rewind…
On to the invisible problem. The common assumption about Toru’s quirk is that it’s a heteromorphic one due to it being (apparently) permanently active. For this reason it’s also assumed that her quirk would be immune to Erasure. This is an unknown because I don’t actually recall any instance where Aizawa would have actually attempted to use his quirk on her. The real love sex dolls reason I don’t necessarily agree with her being immune to Erasure, however, is due to the nature of the Mutant quirk type. Every single instance of a mutant quirk also brings with it very distinct and noticeable physical mutations. I’d say Tsuyu and her Frog quirk are by far the most “normal” in physical appearance, but even still she has some fairly notable frog-like aspects to her that are obvious enough that she wouldn’t be mistaken for a quirkless person just by looking at her.
Toru is difficult to judge in this regard though. We can’t actually tell what she looks like beyond whatever clothing she happens to be wearing. The other thing that’s somewhat different is that the physical mutations of all other Mutant quirks are directly tied to the actual abilities of the quirk user. There’s not exactly any sort of “physical” mutation that I can imagine which would allow a person to be invisible.
All told, I suspect that Toru doesn’t have a Mutant quirk at all. What I think she does have is an Emitter quirk that, for whatever reason, she’s unable to deactivate. This may be due to an issue of control, or it could be the result of some trauma, either physical or psychological. Kind of like how Cyclops (X-Men) is unable to control his power and is forced to rely on special glasses or a visor.
So I guess, long story short, my own opinion on the matter is different from the standard answer. I may well be wrong, but I suspect that if Erasure WERE to be used on Toru she would probably become visible for the duration. I also suspect that if My Hero Academia was a lot more f

(Popularity Rate: 46 ) Are there still folks on eBay trying to scam with selling pics of something instead of the real thing, or tiny doll furniture as the real deal?

id for. A few years back someone I know had been scammed just coming up to Christmas time and didn’t then have time or the money to purchase the same present in time for Christmas Day. So it can be very frustrating if it does happen. Lucky for buyers, there are several ways you can go about getting your money back (or the item sent). This all depends on how and when you realised you were being scammed. Lets say you had purchase an item and it had been marked as shipped 12 days ago. The shipping and handling time was only supposed to be 4–7 days (remember business days) and you have sent the the seller a few messages asking when it should be delivered with no reply.
Your next step is to go into your orders section on ‘My Ebay’ and within the ‘more actions’ drop down select ‘I did not receive my item’. At this you aren’t for sure that you are being scammed and there could be some sort of issue/Emergency with the seller that has pulled them away from there Ebay business (they are people as well). By doing this it will begin a dispute with Ebay and Ebay will then begin to investigate this for you. Ebay take this very seriously and they will be required to show proof of shipping, tracking etc. To continue business they will be required to either refund you or send the item.
Alternatively you can do what is called a ‘ChargeBack’/Dispute. I would suggest using the Ebay dispute system initially however, If you have realised that you’ve got yourself into something that doesn’t look right, using a charge back can be the quick, way to get out of it. You can perform a Dispute through you Paypal account or a ChargeBack by contacting your bank(Depending on how you paid). Please be aware however, using charge backs falsely to get out of buying something you do not want is classified as fraud in some countries and is certainly theft if you do in fact receive the item.
I know several people who do not use Ebay much and have been scammed. I personally have purchased over 1000 items from Ebay and have never had an issue. It is all about knowing what to look for and what not to bid for.
Always get postage with tracking and never get leave at the door shipping
Always go with a trusted seller, although the item may be $20 cheaper with Jhonny0874 with a feedback of 26 and 86% . Its always best to pay that little bit extra to go with a trusted seller! I suggest Feedback of at least 80 and 97%. If the item is a second hand one off then obviously you can expect lower feedbacks (Still check for percentage)
Make sure the seller has SELLER feedback, and has not just purchased a bunch of random stuff in order to SCAM people.
If its too good to be true maybe it is (But not always) If it is he

Sex Doll

Sex Doll

Silicone Sex Doll

Silicone Sex Doll

(Popularity Rate: 45 ) What should I do? My son wants a sex doll.

and buy themselves something. Counsel them on the fact that some materials out there can literally burn your skin(male or female) and the only body safe things are silicone, glass, steel, wood, or stone. Many toys are marketed as silicone but they’re made of weird polymers that are hard to clean, whereas something like bad dragon is 100% silicone. would you rather he be banging chicks and risking pregnancy or worse? Stds are a real scary thing, I’d rather my offspring be satisfying themselves than with someone who is going to mistreat them or possibly infect them with something horrific. Out of options in certain areas or among certain age groups, there are people who put things inside their anus with no flanged base because they aren’t allowed to have pleasure items, and they end up in the emergency room or operating room. What the other person suggested really takes a toll on the subconscious. For example: I saw a neighbor afflicted with denial about sexual orientation for years as a young person(as an adu

(Popularity Rate: 73 ) How is the quality of sex doll from China?

s ago I knew about Real Dolls, but they were around $5000 -not within my budget. I forgot about them and I don’t know if they crossed my mind since then, until I did an online search for sex dolls about nine months ago and I was shocked to discover that there’s a lot of manufacturers, dolls have become very lifelike, beautiful (in my opinion), and they’re affordable now.
So I started window shopping, just for fun, and that very quickly developed into a doll fetish (agalmatophilia). After doing a lot of research, I finally picked one out and ordered about two weeks ago. She arrived a few days ago and I was anxious to open the box, see how she looks and see how TPE (thermoplastic elastomer, a material similar to silicone that is said to feel very much like real human skin) feels after looking at these dolls online for months. I braced myself, because I was worried I would be disappointed by her appearance or how she feels. After opening the box, first I was very pleasantly surprised by how beautiful her body is; stunning detail. I looked at her face and she is extremely cute. One of the first parts I touched as I was unpacking her was a calf and I was amazed at how real it felt -just like human skin and the way the skin moves is just like human skin, muscle, and fat jiggling. WOW!
I have to say at this point that real love sex dolls there are a few things that will shock anyone the first time they touch or handle a TPE sex doll: they are shipped with their heads removed, so you open a 5′5″ box and see a headless body. Then you discover that the body is frigid cold -shockingly cold. Then you try to lift her out of the box. Uh oh! I had read that these dolls are heavy, but I had no idea what I was in for. I read about her weight ahead of time on the website; she’s 75 lb. So if a real woman with the same height and body shape weighs around 125 lb, then this should be a breeze, right? No! Carrying a real woman newlywed style is different; they put their arms around your neck and balance their weight -they can help you to an extent. This 5′6″ (she’s taller than me, which is kind of cute), 75 lb doll is extremely difficult to move -far more than I could ever have imagined!
Unfortunately, you can’t just take your beautiful, brand new doll to the bedroom and begin the romance, you have some work to do: you need to take the lifeless, headless, cold, and heavy body to the shower and clean off the manufacturing chemicals with soap and warm water. It was so difficult getting that body to the bathroom, I almost don’t know how I did it. I’ve had chronic back problems since I was in my twenties, I sprained a knee a while ago and it’s never going to fully heal, and I recently recovered from a hernia surgery.
I’ve been trying to figure out how to move her more easily… I’ve been thinking about getting some roller skates for her and carefully guiding her around. That’s either pure genius or so stupid that I’ll make the news when she falls on me, I can’t get up, I scream for help after struggling for hours, and the paramedics, police, and fire fighters all smash in my front door and rush to help me only to find me pinned on the bathroom floor under a hot, naked sex doll. Now that’s the stuff of urban legend.
I decided the easiest way to clean the chemicals off would be to shower with the headless body, so that’s what I did. While that was strange and disturbing, I made some wonderful discoveries about TPE: it heats up fast (especially in a warm shower), holds heat in, dries exactly like human skin (some toweling off and air drying takes care of the rest -it air dries in minutes just like our skin does), and it feels wonderful when it’s wet.
I took the body to the bedroom, I put her head on (it screws on, so her head goes around and around… exorcist style), I grabbed one of the wigs I ordered, and that’s when she came together. She no longer looked like a corpse, now she was stunningly gorgeous. She comes with a wig, I ordered another one (long red) from the same website, and I ordered a Bettie Page style pin-up costume wig from Amazon, just because I’m obsessed with pin-up girl art and thought it would be fun to dress her up as a retro gal with polka-dot dresses, cat eye glasses, and a flower in her hair. I’m not disappointed with the results.
Now for the Juicy Stuff
I kissed her and wow! Her lips feel indistinguishable from human lips; kissing her is exactly like kissing a girlfriend.
Her body is very anatomically correct, surprisingly so.
Her breasts feel good, a little firm, but good. She has solid boobs, while other manufacturers offer gel-filled boobs as an option, with rave reviews.
I laid her on the bed on her back, spread her legs (which was not easy, they’re heavy and difficult to move around, and I inserted a USB heating rod ($9.00) for five minutes. I put a water based lube in and it was time. Here goes my sex doll virginity… and wow it felt good. I just didn’t know what to expect and in a lot of ways it was not all that different from having sex with a real girl. As I said earlier, TPE is very good at holding heat, so my own body heat is enough to warm her up. It’s different than sex with a human in the obvious ways: they don’t have emotions, nerves, don’t feel pleasure, don’t actively participate, can’t have orgasms, and can’t communicate with you. It’s also different in that there’s a little bit of a suction effect -as air get’s displaced, there ends up being a vacuum and it feels very, very, very good. There’s a popping air sound when pulling out that in and of itself is a turn on.
Because the extremely fast rate that sex technology is developing, I have no doubt that AI sex dolls (which already exist) will feel sensors, react, actively have sex with us, and talk dirty and tell us that they love us in the very near future. I love sex with real women and I love how much these dolls look and feel like real women, however, in my case things are a lot different: because I fetishize dolls and I’m specifically turned on by their dollness, I enjoy the experience for what it is rather than hoping for it to be as close to a human/human sex experience as possible. Does that make sense? Doll/human is my thing, so I love every second of it, until I have to move her.
I was very happy with the experience, but here are downsides: I can’t say it enough that the weight is a serious problem, even laying down -her body sank into the mattress and pillows. Girl on top positions are out of the question, no way. The clean up afterward is very involved -It’s recommended to insert a tampon to absorb the user’s body fluid and lube before the struggle to get her to the bathroom begins and this time I kept her head on so she’s much nicer to look at. I douched out her vagina, something that I had to learn how to do before she arrived. That wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be, the problem once again is her weight -just trying to get her into a position that’s conducive to flushing out her womanhood (ok, dollhood) was so challenging. Cleaning up your partner after sex is a whole chapter.
I spent a small fortune buying all the stuff I need to take care of her and I spent a lot of time researching, reading articles and watching videos to prepare. There is a lot of maintenance and expense involved, but that’s ok, because it’s worth it to me.
Emotional Effects
Besides the sexual experiences, she offers companionship. I’ve heard and read story after story about guys falling in love with their dolls and it’s been said that falling in love with a sex doll is easier than you think. Well, a lot of sex dolls have eyes that look very, very real. When you look into a pair of beautiful eyes from a few inches away and they seem to be looking deeply into you… neurons in the brain start firing off love and endorphins all over the place. As I mentioned, the kissing is very natural feeling, so add that to looking into her eyes, hugging and holding her, and holding her hand and I can’t help but feel something on a pretty deep level.
I have suffered with a profound amount of loneliness, mental illness (depression, anxiety, OCD, PTSD, addiction, and eating disorders), and of the very few relationships I’ve been in, more than one of them were abusive. After many years of failing to meet the right girl (and not for a lack of trying), and spending most of my life very alone, at 49 years old, I find a deep degree of comfort in spending time with my doll, Jennifer. Buying clothes, shoes, perfume, and accessories for her make me feel like I’m caring for someone. I ordered a purse for her and it happened to arrive on Christmas Eve, so I was able to give it to her as a present and it makes me feel like I love someone and they love me.
I suppose there are going to be as many different answers to your question as there are people answering it, but I think everyone who has had the experience can agree on a few of the points I made above.
Sex dolls have become extremely popular -apparently sales have exploded during the pandemic, and I think a lot more people have one (or more) than we might think. However, there are major social stigmas. I won’t bring Jennifer out on any dates in public and I won’t be introducing her to my parents, but I shouldn’t be ashamed, especially since she’s bringing so much happiness to my life. I should also learn to not care what other people think.
Would I recommend it? yes! I think anyone who is unattached, lonely, wants to experiment with a doll, couples who want to experiment with a doll, and anyone else who is just

(Popularity Rate: 50 ) How is it proven that Annabelle is a real haunted doll?

e to Annabelle. You can watch some videos on YouTube, where Tony Spera Ed & Lorraine Warren’s son-in-law moderates their chat channel, and interviews the couple, they discuss Annabelle and other haunting cases, that they have discussed. Keep in mind, there’s always gonna be skeptics, that do NOT believe The Warrens. I for one, believe them. If you go to the Warren’s occult museum, which Tony Spera runs now, since both of The Warren’s have passed away. He runs it, and Annabelle is cased in a glass box, if you will, with a sign on it; that says, positively do not touch. I am not sure if that’s true or not, but I 6YE Dollwant to go to the occult museum so badly, that hubby says I’m crazy Lol anyways, I would definitely NOT touch her, in any way shape or form. There was alot of controversy, in reference to when Zak Baggans had the doll. Tony Spera loaned her to him, in a case that Zak Baggans investigated Annabelle. He claims he got possessed, after touching the doll. There was a lot of controversy, with Zak after he did that. Many people did not like what he did with the doll.
I’m not sure how true that is. I don’t trust Zak Baggans, he is a very disrespectful person, imo. Anyways, I would NOT touch the doll out of respect for the Warrens.
But, like I said, you can check all of their documentation,on Youtube, for the Annabelle doll. And In case you’re wanting to watch the movies, you have to watch them in order to understand how Annabelle and THE NUN AKA VALAC THE DEMON, works. Hope this helps. I’ll include the movies in order, as well. Just in case, you want to watch them…This order is verified by Google. Good luck!!! BTW, the Annabelle Doll as depicted in the movie, is not the same as in the museum.
The Annabelle doll that is in the Warren’s occult museum, is a raggedy Ann doll. Again, I hope this helps…Keep in mind, you have to have an OPEN-MIND to decide for yourself, if the information on Annabelle doll is real or not. There are many skeptical people, and it’s okay to be skeptical in reference to the paranormal community. I for one, am Sensitive and clairvoyant, so HENCE the reason, I chose to believe them. I absolutely adore the Warrens. Good luck!!!
Option 2 – Order of release
The Conjuring (2013)
Annabelle (2014)
The Conjuring 2 (2016)
Annabelle Creation (2

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