milf love

(Popularity Rate: 64 ) How are Wish items delivered? Will my item be shipped inside a box that will not reveal what’s inside? I want to buy a sex toy.

tuff out the door, so that can account for anything from a couple of hours to a couple of MONTHS. Then Customs at either end.
Yeah, I have had stuff where I have watch the tracking take 6 WEEKS to get from the supplier to the customs warehouse in China, I was NOT amused; and ripped the supplier one in his reviews.
Chinese customs gets very slow at certain times of the year – this being one of them, as they shut down for an entire week over Chinese New Year, and it can take a few weeks to clear the backlog.
Now, having gone through that.
WISH is garbage.
I keep hearing people say what bargains they got on there, so yesterday I signed up to have a look.
I went for ONE specific area, as it is something I am pretty good on – graphics cards.
After THREE HOURS, I had still not identified a card I thought was a/ genuine, or b/ they werent selling at 1Yuan = £1, ie £550 for a £50 product – for example, a 15 y/o AMD Radeon HD6450 that you can buy on AE for under £20 with free P&P, and which never cost more than £50 brand new when launched
Then there were the deceptive price reductions, more milf love than 1 seller was claiming an RRP on a product of over £900, when AT LAUNCH LAST YEAR, it cost £80.
The fake claims were just so blatant; yet idiots seem to be buying them in their hundreds, “Nvidea 1060Ti 4GB gfx”, and in the small print it is a 550GTX 1GB from a decade ago.
I saw more fake cards in 3 hours than I have seen on Ali Express in all the years I have been shopping there.
There ar

(Popularity Rate: 43 ) Why did Kayleigh McEnany get mad at Fox reporters for asking questions about where the river is that Trump claimed had ballots for him?

edible specifics and solid details. Even Kayleigh McEnany knows this is a story she can’t square. 2022 Debate: Trump makes outrageous claims about mail-voting
When Fox asks her for specific information, she knows even state TV is mocking Trump. She decides Future Dollto get mad at Fox and put them in the boat with other media. Like how dare they doubt the word of th

(Popularity Rate: 75 ) What are some of the strangest facts about famous movies?

1pm. Both nights, at 11pm, New York City’s Municipal Water Authorities had some overflow problems from all the toilets flushing around the same time.

2. Cast Away (2000)
To see the island that Cast Away was filmed on, put -17.609277,177.0397 into Google Maps and zoom in all the way on satellite mode. The beach that Tom Hanks writes HELP on and sees from the peak is the eastern most part of Monuriki, Fiji.
3.Basic Instinct (1992)
According to Sharon Stone, director Paul Verhoeven asked her to remove her underwear for the leg-crossing scene, as he said they were too bright and reflected at the camera. Stone agreed to do so under the assumption that her genitals weren’t visible. It was only at an early preview that Stone discovered Verhoeven chose to use this specific shot. Stone was mainly cross with Verhoeven for not discussing the matter with her beforehand, but decided to let the scene go without changes, as she felt this conformed with her movie character. And apparently to this
Sharon Stone’s infamous leg-crossing scene is the most-paused “blink-and-you’ll-miss-it” moment in movies.

4.Psycho (1960)
Every theater that showed the film had a cardboard cut-out installed in the lobby of Alfred Hitchcock pointing to his wristwatch with a note from the director saying “The manager of this theatre has been instructed at the risk of his life, not to admit to the theatre any persons after the picture starts. Any spurious attempts to enter by side doors, fire escapes or ventilating shafts will be met by force. The entire objective of this extraordinary policy, of course, is to help you enjoy PSYCHO more. Alfred Hitchcock”

5.Psycho (1960)
In the opening scene, Marion Crane is wearing a white bra because Alfred Hitchcock wanted to show her as being “angelic”. After she has taken the money, the following scene has her in a black bra because now she has done something wrong and evil. Similarly, before she steals the money, she has a white purse; after she’s stolen the money, her purse is black.
6.Scarface (1983)
The international corporation set up by Saddam Hussein to launder money from his various enterprises was called Montana Management after the Scarface (1983) main character Tony Montana played by Al Pacino.
7.Raging Bull (1980)
When the real Jake LaMotta saw the movie, he said it made him realize for the first time what a terrible person he had been. He asked the real Vicki LaMotta “Was I really like that?”. Vicki replied “You were worse.”
8.Raging Bull (1980)
In 1978, when Martin Scorsese was at an all-time low due to a near overdose resulting from an addiction to cocaine, Robert De Niro visited him at the hospital and told him that he had to clean himself up and make this movie about a boxer. At first, Scorsese refused (he didn’t like sports movies anyway), but due to De Niro’s persistence, he eventually gave in. Many claim (including Scorsese) that De Niro saved Scorsese’s life by getting him back into work.
10.Goodfellas (1990)
When Henry and Karen Hill are negotiating to enter the Witness Protection Program, former U.S. Attorney Edward McDonald plays himself, reenacting what he did in reality.
11. Goodfellas (1990)
The “You think I’m funny?” scene was based on a story that Joe Pesci acted out for Martin Scorsese. While working in a restaurant as a young man, Pesci once told a mobster that he was funny and the mobster became very angry. Scorsese allowed Pesci and Ray Liotta to improvise the scene. He did not tell the other actors in the scene what would happen because he wanted their genuine surprised reactions.
12. Shutter Island (2010)
Before settling on Mark Ruffalo for the role of Chuck Aule, Leonardo DiCaprio and Martin Scorsese also considered Robert Downey Jr. and Josh Brolin.
13. Shutter Island (2010)
There are several clues and intentional continuity errors throughout the film that foreshadow the ending. This includes a patient’s drink of water disappearing between shots (she drinks from an empty hand), a cardigan appearing briefly on ‘Rachel’ (which is later worn by the other ‘Rachel’) and lines from Edward/Andrew’s dreams being repeated (such as “Why are you wet, baby?”). These techniques are also used in his dreams showing a similarity between what he perceives as a dream and what he perceives as real.
14.The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966)
The skeleton found by Tuco inside the wrong coffin at Sad Hill cemetery, was a real human skeleton. A deceased Spanish actress wrote in her will she wanted to act even after her death. Apparently this movie turned out to be the most successful movie of her career.
15.Casablanca (1942)
Many of the actors who played the Nazis were in fact German Jews who had escaped from Nazi Germany.

16.One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1975)
Louise Fletcher(head nurse) was so upset with the fact that the other actors could laugh and be happy while she had to be so cold and heartless that near the end of production she removed her dress and stood in only her panties to prove to the actors she was not “a cold-hearted monster”.

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1975)
During filming, a crew member running cables left a second story window open at the Oregon State Mental Hospital and an actual patient climbed through the bars and fell to the ground, injuring himself. The next day The Statesman Journal in Salem, Oregon reported the incident with the headline on the front page “One flew OUT of the cuckoo’s nest”.
17.Rush (2013)
Daniel Brühl and Chris Hemsworth weren’t allowed to drive a real Formula 1 car so they had to use Formula 3 vehicles with fake F1 bodywork instead.
18.The Shining (1980)
Every time Jack talks to a “ghost”, there’s a mirror in the scene, except in the food locker scene. This is because in the food locker scene he only talks to Grady through the door. We never see Grady in this scene.

19. The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
Andy and Red’s opening chat in the prison yard – in which Red is pitching a baseball – took 9 hours to shoot. Morgan Freeman pitched that baseball for the entire 9 hours without a word of complaint. He showed up for work the next day with his arm in a sling.
20. The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
When Clarice visits Dr. Hannibal Lecter in his new facility, Lecter insists she continue telling him about her childhood as part of the agreement. Jodie Foster, reluctantly, continues her story about running away. Midway through her confessions, she mentions taking a lamb with her. If one listens closely after she says, “I thought if I could save just one…” a distant sound of something being dropped can be heard in the background. A crewman dropped a wrench during filming. Director Jonathan Demme panicked, thinking it would ruin the scene completely. However, Foster remained in character and continued the story, ultimately convincing Demme to keep the footage. After “Cut” was said, Foster turned her head to the crew and yelled, “What the Hell was that!”
21.The Shining (1980)
For the scenes when we can hear Jack typing but we cannot see what he is typing, Stanley Kubrick recorded the sound of a typist actually typing the words “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”. Some people argue that each key on a typewriter sounds slightly different, and Kubrick wanted to ensure authenticity, so he insisted that the actual words be typed.
22. A clockwork Orange (1971)
Before filming the scene where he had to carry Patrick Magee’s wheelchair up the stairs, professional bodybuilder David Prowse went up to Stanley Kubrick and asked if he could make sure that (due to the difficulty of the task) he got the scene in as few takes as possible, saying, “You’re not exactly known as ‘one-take-Kubrick’, are you?” The rest of the crew was horrified at such a famous director being talked to like this, but Kubrick just laughed and promised to do his best. The scene was filmed in only three takes, an incredibly small amount for a pe

Sex Doll

Sex Doll

Silicone Sex Doll

Silicone Sex Doll

(Popularity Rate: 32 ) What was your first sex toy? If you bought it, what prompted you to?

came to me , picked one of the toys and told me, if I am thinking of buying I should take this particular one. It was the most expensive one .I thought she only want to make a good sale. But she convinced me . She really insisted I should buy it. I hesitated but I was curious as well. I thought what the hell and I bought it.
That evening I tried the toy for the first time.I basically only tried the butterfly effect on my ….
That evening I had my first orgasm. It was so strong I cried.
I always thought I had one, but only then I realised what I was mistaking for orgasm was only good feeling before the actual orgasm.
I become pretty much addicted to my new ‘friend’.
There is no way any man could possibly provide the same stimulation.
The electricity was deep penetrating and the 7 levels of speed unreal.
I convinced my good friend buying it as well.
It took me about month of convincing her.
I had not seen her for a week after she bought it.
She said she as well h

(Popularity Rate: 56 ) What’s the most you’ve ever spent on a Sex Toy?

ff prototypes.
On a store-bought, off-the-shelf sex toy, the most I’ve ever spent is $700 (for a violet wand). I have a $1200 two-person fucking machine, but it was a gift from a former lover; I didn’t pay for it.
On sex toys that Big Booty Sex DollI’ve designed and built, I’ve spent as much as $400-$500 on parts and components–Arduino microcontrollers, single-chip EEGs, distance sensors, motors, cables, that sort of thing. But the parts and components will often get repurposed into other sex toys when I’m done. All in all, there’s prob

(Popularity Rate: 68 ) What is the adult sex toy, a butt plug, used for?

ly not true. Using a butt plug can make all kinds of sex feel more pleasurable for a woman (and her partner).
A butt plug creates more pressure on the back vaginal wall, increasing milf love the level of sensation she experiences – whether from a dildo, vibrator or her partner’s penis. Many women also enjoy using a butt plug while receiving oral sex. At climax, orgasmic contractions around a butt plug feel more intense than without, and stimulate the nerve endings around the anus that usually get overlooked.
Some women use a butt plug to enhance their partner’s pleasure. By inserting a butt plug, the amount of space in the pelvis is reduced and as a result the vagina feels tighter. The firmer pressure and additional texture provided by a butt plu

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