me and sex dolls

British TV Channel 5 aired a documentary called The Business of Adult Products: Me and Sex Dolls. The camera focuses on a woman named Jed Stanley, a mother of four. Zhong Yi described her extraordinary business philosophy from the first point of view.

me and sex dolls
Before getting into the industry, Jade ran a beauty agency. After accidentally reading a report about a sex doll experience center, she developed a strong interest in the industry. The following year, her sex doll company flourished, importing professional sex dolls from China, selling them on the one hand, and renting them on the other.

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However, things are not always smooth sailing. The products of the rental business require a lot of maintenance of sex dolls, which consumes a lot of time and money, but the profit is extremely small. “It’s a very complicated thing,” Yu said. “These rented sex dolls are generally not sent back intact.”

In order to ensure the entire cleaning process and level of hygiene, the sex dolls developed by Jade have many disposable accessories, which can reduce the discomfort of cleaning. She said: “These dolls are very safe. Their fittings are embedded as if they were placed in a cylinder. You can choose to wash or discard them, depending on the cost and the profit you get.”

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However, Jade’s current main business is customizing sex dolls according to the specific requirements of customers. “Customers are asking for customization. I get all kinds of weird requests. Celebrities, anime characters, dead buddies, and even Michael Myers (the Butcher character from Dead by Daylight). Guys, It’s a little too weird for me,” Jade said with a frown and a smile.

Singles, people interested in fantasy characters, seniors and married couples make up her main clientele. The documentary also interviewed some customers who bought sex dolls, among them David was the first person to buy sex dolls in Finland and is a long-time user of the sex doll circle. The latter’s words in the interview caused a lot of controversy, saying: “I’m a 62-year-old man with limited time and it’s not the sex doll’s fault…but I won’t do anything to the sex doll to hurt her, I won’t Do anything to her and not be afraid of sex dolls.”

“You can be gentle with her or rough with her. No matter what, it belongs to you and stays with you. It was a very memorable and satisfying experience.”

Sex Doll Rental Experience Center

The film also visits a man they call “Chris”. He lives with three sex dolls. He insists he never had sex with sex dolls, simply because they couldn’t express themselves.

Chris said he had made arrangements to take care of his sex doll after his death. He said: “I don’t think it’s fair to bury them together after I die. I can’t treat them like that. It’s like a person burying your loved one.”

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