Love sex dolls and leave a legacy for them

The adult sex toy industry is booming like never before. According to statistics, in the past 2022, the global market value has reached 500 billion US dollars, and one of the most expensive toys on the market is sex dolls.

These lifelike sex dolls are becoming more and more popular these days, and can even go as high as $100,000 in exquisite craftsmanship. Not only are sex dolls popular, but experience halls where you can check out sex dolls are popping up all over the world. Channel 5’s documentary “The Adult Industry: Me and My Sex Dolls” delves into the world of these dolls.

Dennis (pseudonym) owns three sex dolls, but hiss is a little unusual. The triple-married single spent thousands of dollars on sex dolls. These dolls have beautiful faces and sexy white skin. They are Dennis’s forever couple.

But Dennis, who has been collecting these living couple dolls for years, is not for the purpose that people imagine. He explained: “They’re dolls, but I don’t think so. That’s enough for me. We’ll take pictures together. Sometimes I want to betray them. I know it sounds weird, but that’s what I think. “

When Dennis came home from get off work at night, he would “talk” to them while holding his doll. He described spending the money on the dolls to buy a luxury Mercedes Benz.

Dennis said: “I’ve always been interested in sex dolls, it’s a fetish. I find the look very expressive and every different style seems to be telling me a different story. I’ve Married three times, but having people around me makes me uncomfortable. I need my own space. They sit there quietly until we decide what to do together.”

Each of Dennis’s dolls has its own photo album and Twitter, as he insists that each doll has its own personality. He said: “I don’t want to be without them. They can give me a nice hug, tenderness and quiet. It’s a comforting thing.”
“I don’t like being in a relationship. They changed my life. I’ve never been happier.”

Dennis decided to leave a portion of his estate in his will to take care of the dolls after his death. He said: “I’m going to take care of them when I leave the house. I can’t let them be buried with me like you are burying yourself with your hands.”

In the US, Brick is a fan of sex dolls. He currently owns 5 dolls and regularly posts videos showing his dolls on the internet.

The 62-year-old says his age is “very limited” when it comes to flexibility. He can only sit in the yard and bask in the sun. With a doll by his side, he doesn’t seem so alone. Brick also has strong views on the role of dolls in preventing social phobia and communication. He believes that if more people had access to dolls, mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder would be greatly reduced.

“I think disease happens if there are all kinds of setbacks in life, but a doll can alleviate that.”

A sex doll experience shop in Finland offers people who want to buy sex dolls their first try. The reporter visited the store to interview. They are more curious, albeit fussy.

They are open-minded and don’t care what others think of them or their lives because it’s a different experience. Dolls may not be a part of our lives, but we can happily tell ourselves that they have tried.

ESDOLL is one of the major manufacturers of sex dolls. In addition to selling ordinary sex dolls, the sex doll factory also customizes according to the wishes of customers. Every detail is the same as a real person, and 3D scanning ensures that the subtleties of the model are accurately reproduced.

“Sex dolls leave traces, and these lifelike love dolls are very hot. The market will continue to expand, and we’re putting a lot of effort into that,” ESDOLL said.

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