life size robot sex doll

(Popularity Rate: 19 )

classmates are hot. I would especially like to do it at the school one day. I could have sex with one of my classmates in the changing rooms and then head to the football field to cheer him on during his game.”, ‘But there’s also many sexy cheerleaders at our school. I would love to have fun with one or two of them. Many of them are so shy and innocent, considering the short skirts they wear. The cheerleader captain especially has a set of great tits. Imagine how hot it would be if we were to work on them together.’, “Unfortunately, I haven’t had sex at school yet. But it’ll work out. I’m not giving up. Some of the boys already find me quite attractive. But I think they’re afraid of getting caught. To avoid this, I stop by their homes and seduce Chinese Sex Dollthem there. But I’d prefer them to take me right at the teacher’s desk, though. This guy in my biology class, for example, is so hot. Would you like it to see him f**k my”, ‘real dollass? Of course, you could join in, too.’, “I also often meet with friends to party and dance. When I am alone, I also like to watch movies in foreign languages. I love foreign languages and would like to be able to speak al

(Popularity Rate: 75 ) Is it illegal to own a love doll that looks like she could be in high school? There are some amazing dolls out there.

r life. He is probably living alone, either too busy or too shy to have a real relationship, and want to have a life-sized doll they can feel is a girlfriend (or even more).
Some want a love doll simply for sexual pleasure. Maybe they have difficulty finding a date or hookup to sleep with, so the doll fills in on some of those lonely nights. Others have always fantasized about a sexual experience with their favorite celebrity or best live fetish porn stars, so they buy love dolls that are customized to look exactly like the famous star of their dreams.
So there are a lot of reasons why people buy sex dolls, but can they really have them for life, or even more than a few weeks or months? Before we estimate the length of time a sex doll will last, let’s look at some of the fact that affect the longevity of these dolls.
It Depends On How the Dolls are Used and What They’re Made Of.
The manner and the frequency of using a sex doll for sex can certainly lessen the life span of the doll. If you’re careless with the doll, or if you use it every day and night for sex, it can certainly experience wear or tear. In particular, the vaginal area can wear down, and some parts can even fall out if the doll isn’t extremely well-made. That is why many sex dolls have removable vaginas or penis so they can be cleaned easily, and can be replaced when that part is damaged. The material also matters; TPE (thermoplastic elastomer) and silicone are the most expensive materials used to make love dolls, but also the most durable, with silicone the best choice for a long-lasting doll.
It Depends on How Well the Doll is Cleaned.
Sex dolls have to be cleaned properly and thoroughly to avoid contamination. Bacteria and fungi can remain inside the doll, especially after ejaculation, so you need to clean the entire doll correctly after every use, or you’ll end up replacing it sooner rather than later. Most realistic sex dolls are packed with a cleaning kit and instructions inside, to help you maintain your sex doll for the long term.
So How Long Will a Sex Doll Last.
If the doll is used very often with an average level of care, it can be expected to last for about one to two years. If the doll is adequately cared for and is for occasional usage only, the doll can last for up to ten years. Proper cleaning and storage

(Popularity Rate: 57 )

l sex doll, but the exact opposite. Although I am a”, ‘sex doll, nobody really knows that. My father is the pastor of the parish and so there is quite a lot of pressure on my shoulders to always behave well. Sex before marriage? That would be unthinkable, just like my life as a sex doll.I doubt myself sometimes, and I can’t even admit my desire to be areal doll’, “. But there’s also times when I feel like I want more out of life as a love doll, and most of all, I want sex. I have to admit that I am not only a virgin real doll, but I have not even satisfied myself. I think I already know what I have to do as a sex doll, but unfortunately, I don’t dare to.”, “Could you maybe show me how it’s done? I’m a really fast learner and I would do anything to become your own sex doll. We could run away together and start over somewhere new; I don’t care where. It is only important to me that you are really interested in a future with me as your love doll and that you remain faithfully at my side. “, ‘I want to learn everything there is to know about sex with you when I become your real

Sex Doll

Sex Doll

Silicone Sex Doll

Silicone Sex Doll

(Popularity Rate: 79 ) What do you think is better, using a sex doll as a training/fitness device or masturbating with your hand while watching porn?

I tried many experiments but this one worked!
The Causes:
Try and analyse what triggers masturbation for you. For me it was :-
Being alone at home, believe me or not – Instagram (because of all the hot chicks i followed), Facebook even! (Im not including Porn here because I’m talking about triggers, if You are surfing porn, you have already being triggered!)
Lack of motivation : Same dull work, no excitement in life, same old tv series, same old habits.. everything was so dull that mastubation provided the daily shot of dopamine my brain so badly wanted.
Low self Esteem : I wanted to get fit, run longer, cycle faster but due to this terrible habit of fapping every day my Lifelike Sex Dollsbody was devoid of energy, nutrients. My immune system was down the drain.. cold & cough were regular. Result of it all… Low Self Esteem (feeling good for nothing)
Not being around actual females : this may seem whack, but masturbation takes you away from natural females around you and makes you want the photoshopped Curvy babes on your screen. My addiction broke my confidence in dealing with real females in real life.
No Goals : Having no goals in life is equivalent to living life on auto pilot, You cant expect to change your life if you are not living it consciously!
Now the above analysis has being made over a long period of time, it is not easy to convince your brain that you are addicted to porn and masturbation, let alone tryng to figure out the root causes of it.. So what did I do to get rid of it all? here it is..
Setting the foundation for it : This may seem weird but I analyzed that whenever I masturbated 3–4 times in 12–16 hours (without sleep), I would develop a cold, feel weak as hell, want to continue sleeping, my stomach would be upset, feeling irritatable etc. So I would get through the day feeling like crap and finally get a good nights sleep!
But on the next day, due to my marathon masturbation session, I would not feel like masturbating again, maybe my body was just not up for it and my mind was still reeling under the shock of dopamine it got the previous day. My mind would be calmer, clearer and I could focus on other things!!
Then I went through my analysis and started keeping a firm watch on my triggers. because, without the triggers I could easily pass the day or even days without masturbation. (There have being days where I haven’t masturbated because I was to busy with something or just having a great time). So I checked on my triggers of :-
Being alone at home : I started running and cycling in the morning to tire out my muscles and at the same time provide my brain with the dopamine it needed in the morning. I downloaded Runkeeper / Strava so that i could record my running and cycling stats and try and improve on them. What also helped was sharing it with my friends and getting their appreciation, which made me happier and content that I was improving. I tried to go home as late as possible to allow myself little time to lapse, I would go window shopping, call up friends and meet them, eat outside everything to keep me from getting cosy at home.
Lack of Motivation : I uninstalled Facebook and Instagram and even thought of shifting to a black and white nokia phone for a while . My motto was :- Less of Smartphones = Less Triggers. Less Internet = Less triggers. There is an app/website called Meetup – where in I joined random meetups just to keep myself occupied. It actually was fun to meet new people and join in activities that I liked! It motivated me to improve my skills in the activities and work on my social presentation.
Low Self Esteem : Due life size robot sex doll to my almost regular running / cycling I managed to get my body in average shape, but even that much was good enough for me. As now atleast I had the energy to do things and not feel like a soulless zombie! I looked myself in the mirror and liked what I saw, I wasn’t ripped nor did I grow big Muscles but I looked fit and athletic and I didnt want to lose it (gave me another real reason to stop fapping). I started eating fruits, nuts and other nutritious things that helped my body becoming stronger still. I joined MMA nearby to learn how to fight and improve my body co-ordination.
Not being around actual females : Believe me, reality is totally different to the world we see on our screens, real women look quite different from the ones we see in porn. Their bodies are not that perfect either, but the feeling of real female attention, the feeling of flirting with someone can never be replaced by plain simple masturbation. Having joined various meetups and having a fit body gave me the confidence and opportunity to meet new females. Once You start becoming closer to some of them You will want to become even more stronger, more skilled, more sexier to get their appreciation and outdo the other guys. (Keep the competition healthy no one wants a bragging idiot with them) Think of the females as butterflies and yourself as an exotic flower. Your fragrance shall attract them automatically to you!
No Goals : Its very difficult to keep long term goals when you cant even stop yourself from playing with yourself every morning.. I started off with small goals like : Reading Books – I joined a book library and paid a certain amount as monthly fees, the plan allowed me to borrow as many book as i wanted but one at a time, so i challenged myself to read as many books as possible during the month. I targeted running 5kms at a stretch, then 7km, then 9km and finally 10km! Making sure I recorded all my runs in the apps so i could push myself to improve and achieve my target. I started learning about the stock market, wanting to invest my salary and savings and make them grow. I started dreaming about owning a Cruise motorcycle one day (And i wanted that day to be as soon as possible)
All of the above was a plan but I was able to execute it only because I of my marathon masturbation session which cleared my head of any urges for 2–3 days. During which I got a headstart on my goals and never looked back. Its not like I dont masturbate anymore but having abstained from it for long periods of time makes me realize that its not really worth it in the end and I have many better much better things to do in life than fall into that pit again.
Basically to sum it up in one line :
“I got rid of my addiction by keep

(Popularity Rate: 89 ) Can a 14-year-old male have a sex doll?

t is a defence if the child is 15 years of age and the accused person was not more than 5 years older than the child, or if the child was above 12 years of age and the accused person was not more than three years older than the child.
In Victoria and the Australian Capital Territory, engaging in sexual behaviour under the legal age can be defended if the defendant was not more than two ye

(Popularity Rate: 47 ) What are the best sex robots on a budget?

rious. If you disagree with my views, please do so respectfully in the comments.
Since Quora does not date answers, I will date this one myself:
At the time of writing this, the date is January the 21st, 2022, Sunday, at 2:15 PM.
Location: Pennsylvania.
Current Temperature: 46 Degrees Farenheit.
Overly specific, I know, but somehow I feel that dating this answer is the right move.
PART 1: Why it’s controversial.
You see, victimhood is no longer something to rid yourself of. If someone acts like they’re a victim these days, they have no intention of taking steps to no longer BE a victim.
When you’re a victim, when you “live in a rape culture”, when it’s “your body, your choice”, people pay attention to you. They feel sorry for you. They give you special treatment, money, sympathy, their time and effort. They run around like headless chickens, desperately trying to give you every possible thing your stupid little head can think of, no matter how illogical or ultimately damaging to society it may be. Because you “deserve” it after experiencing so many “hardships”.
Victimhood is a business. Sexbots would destroy that business, because “my body my choice” no longer matters if no one is getting you pregnant to begin with. “Rape culture” no longer exists because everyone has sexbots.
A woman’s power in society is largely based on sex and physical attractiveness. Many men spend a lot of money on nice clothes, luxurious cars, homes, jewelry, etc, not because they like it, but because they know women like those things. And the endgame is always to have sex. I myself would love to have a wife who cares for me and truly loves me, but I’d be dishonest as hell if I said sex wasn’t incredibly important to me.
Women realize this, and are able to control men with sex, and receive social privileges that men wouldn’t be able to attain without some serious financial and social influence (such as getting into clubs based on attractiveness, being able to get free drinks and other items by flashing a smile and some cleavage, making men fight for their attention and affection, etc).
But if sex robots became an actual reality, that power would begin to wane. Of course, if we looked at things as they are now, women really have nothing to worry about. Sexbots as they exist today are nothing more than highly expensive and intricate blowup dolls. Even if “Sexbot Brothels” existed, and sexbots could be purchased for affordable prices, most men wouldn’t go for such things.
But if you look towards the future, you begin to see the consequences for women.
Present Day:
Sexbots look like this today:
Creepy as all hell, and extremely rudimentary. No way would most sane men want to stick a dick in that, what with all the mechanical whirring, clicking, perhaps electrical sparking, etc. However, such a machine could quite easily set the groundwork for a future which I’m not sure would be beneficial or disastrous.
A Possible Future:
Let’s say that technology leaps forward, and machines are indistinguishable from humans. You may have whatever fantasy you wish, and can even 3D print the faces of the people you have a crush on. Let’s say that the machine has a sophisticated A.I. and can accurately mimic human speech (and can perfectly mimic the speech and mannerisms of real people), holds actual conversations, and even has settings for different personality types depending on your preference. It even has preset fetishes and the skills required to perform them programmed right into it.
It can feel pleasure and have orgasms (again, the TYPE of orgasm you wish is programmable), and has a “G-Spot Mode” that allows you to make it orgasm as many times as you wish and fulfill your own fantasies of actually being good in bed. And if you wish, it even has its own lab-created eggs and womb if you want to have children.
Everything about it looks, feels, and even smells exactly like a real woman, and even more so with various technological enhancements, creating a machine that is actually superior to the real thing. It never argues with you, does whatever you want, cooks, cleans, does your taxes and manages your accounts, takes care of the kids and can even tutor them in every possible subject with downloadable teaching apps.
Its A.I. is constantly adapting and learning, so it always finds the best ways to interact with people based on their own personality types and psychological profile. It can even operate within the parameters of other professions, such as men with anger issues purchasing a machine that acts as both a sexual release AND an actual psychological counselor, or old men who can still be sexually active purchasing a sexy nurse that can actually perform the duties of a world class Doctor.
In every physical way, it is built to be superior to a biological woman. It has no physical defects, it will never age, has perfect logic, will never scream at you, hit you, or make you feel like crap. It will never divorce you and callously take everything you have, nor will it separate you from your children.
It can even have a sense of humor, be as warm and inviting as you want it to be. You can have long and stimulating conversations about many different topics, and the machine is even capable of taking the initiative and stimulating your own thought process in ways you would not have thought possible. It takes interests in your hobbies and is skilled enough to give you a hand.
Everything you always wanted but were always denied.
And to top it all off, it can look like anyone you want it to. Even this:
You can have one sexbot or as many as you want. You can legally have your own harem if you want, and from any time period. You wake up in the morning getting a blowjob from Marilyn Monroe, get served breakfast by Dawn Wells, go to work, come home to a perfectly cooked dinner by Sophia Loren, and then decide you have the sudden urge to plow Slave Leia in the ass before bed. Just before you go to sleep, you think to yourself, “It’s saturday tomorrow. I think I’ll have a threesome with Angelina Jolie’s Lara Croft and Anne Hathaway’s Catwoman.”
Your every wish fulfilled. Your every fantasy realized, no matter how innocent or scandalous.
And for the average guy who looks like this, such technology would be like a ray of hope:
You see a guy like that^ and you think “Company Man”, or “Electrician”, or “Plumber”. Sure, he’s reliable in a financial sense, but nothing about him really screams “adventure and steamy romance”. He’s not the sort of guy most women would throw themselves after as their first choice, and certainly not the sort of guy who could sleep with supermodels on a daily basis if he wanted to. He’s not this guy:
But in the future I envision, with such technological marvels just a few dollars away, it would be weirder to see a man with a biological woman than not. Women realize this, and they fear their loss of power over men, the loss of the attention of the “average” men who cannot have them but pine away for them, and the feeling of power that it brings, the loss of the constant focus on their “victimhood”, though they would never admit this. Some may not even be aware enough to articulate such feelings.
Identity and Morality:
#1. The aforementioned children-by-sexbot.
How would this affect how we see humanity? Are half-human/half-sexbots really human? Would they be accepted by society? Would they be seen as people or machines? And how would THEIR children be seen? Would they be seen as a new race?
#2. Rape goes down, Identity Theft goes WAY up.
These days, you have a crush on a girl, you either ask her out and hope she says yes, or you pine away for something that can never be (or if you’re a rapist, you stalk her and wait for your chance).
But with the sexbots I describe, it would be all too easy for someone to create some sort of “SnapID” app, where all you need to do is take a picture or a video of someone on your phone (or Holo-Card or whatever is used in the future), upload the data to your sexbot, and it will alter its appearance, voice, and mannerisms to that of your crush. You can download videos of your favorite celebrities and the machine will perfectly mimic them after close study.
It would be the worst sort of identity theft. People would grow up with the assumption that someone, somewhere, was screwing a sexbot with their face on it.
And what of parents? In the future, rather than telling kids “Don’t take candy from strangers”, they would instead be telling them “Don’t let anyone take your picture”. Gone would be the days of the windowless white van, and instead pedophiles would carry high definition cameras or image capture devices or “ICDs” (again, this is the future; cameras might be antiquated).
PART TWO: How did this happen?
#1. Misandry in society and the media.
Watch TV for about an hour, and you will see many commercials and television shows on display where the women and children are portrayed as intelligent and world-wise, and the man is the fat, bumbling idiot.
The news demonizes men for every action AND inaction. Feminists claim to support both genders while only taking steps to benefit women, all while creating hashtags like #KillAllMen and saying things like “Women need men like a fish needs a bicycle”.
#2. No-Fault Divorce, Legal Bias against men.
Men can be thrown out of their homes, lose all of their possessions and be forbidden to see their own children at the behest of the women they once loved, and for no other reason than “dissatisfaction”, as if men are appliances to be bought and returned. The courts favor women, even when they’re clearly not the best parent to give the child to. Men have no say in the matter, even if/when they’re in the right.
The legal bias against men is so strong that a woman can rape a minor, get pregnant, and then successfully sue him for child support.
Hermesmann v. Seyer – Wikipedia
At every turn, the world makes outrageous demands of men, while at the same time treating them like garbage and saying it doesn’t need them. Women largely have no respect for them and have the luxury of living in a system where they can live comfortably without life size robot sex doll a man, but also a system that allows them to use/abuse men and ruin their lives with almost total impunity.
(Video: Man freed after 29 years for rape he did not commit)
(Video: Man speaks about false rape allegations one year after the fact; woman gets a slap on the wrist)
It was inevitable that we would arrive at this point, both because the instant you invent something, you must take it to its furthest possible point, AND because this is men’s attempt to gain some sort of peace in a world that hates them. Currently, some men cope with their suppressed and unspoken pain through alcohol, video games, pornography, etc. Others cope by going MGTOW, though I find this to be quite the bleak and lonely option, myself.
With man’s natural propensity to build a better world for himself when things get hard, this was the only logical conclusion to reach. When men became cold from the rain they built shelters. Those shelters became cabins, then houses, towns, cities. Boats became ships, kites became planes, smoke signals gave way to handwritten letters, morse code, landline communication, the cell phone, the smart phone, and the internet as a whole. The horse and buggy gave way to the horseless carriage (the automobile).
And now, rather than environmental obstacles, it is the socially acceptable and legally sanctioned hatred against men that must be overcome. Ideology, not physical predation, has become the greatest threat.
And some men have decided to literally create their own women, mechanically invent their “dream girls”, rather than put up with the abuse any longer.
(The now-infamous tantrum video)
^^^^^^^^ Seriously. The crap some guys put up with. ^^^^^^^^^
Rather than beg for their needs to be met, only to receive further ridicule and hatred for “showing weakness”, they would simply find their own way to ensure that those needs are met, however briefly or superficially (at least until the ideal future can be achieved).
And like clockwork, they receive abuse for their actions, only proving further how necessary their work actually is.
PART THREE: SPECIAL EDIT: A Special type of Double Standard
Women do, in fact, already possess their own sexual machines, or “sexbots”. It’s just that, to my knowledge, they do not have humanoid form.
Exhibit A: The Motorized Piston.
This type of device mimics the thrusting motion of a penis during sexual intercourse, and at much greater speeds than a human being would be physically capable of achieving. This sort of device can come with a single shaft or a double shaft attachment for simultaneous penetration of both the vagina and the anus.
It is possible to have a second or even third machine to also give the experience of deepthroating and titjobs (basically a sexbot gangbang).
There is, to my knowledge, no widespread protest against this device or the ways in which it is used.
Exhibit B: The Sybian.
From Wikipedia:
“A Sybian , or Sybian saddle, is a masturbation device primarily designed for use by women. It consists of a saddle-like seat containing an electric motor, gearbox speed reducer, and mechanism connected to a rod that protrudes from a hole in the top center.
Various attachments can be added to the rod, which vibrates, rotates and may also stimulate the clitoris externally. The intensity of the movements produced can be increased or decreased through a control box attached to the Sybian’s base.”
Again, to my knowledge, there has been no major protest against this device.
So sexbots for women are fine, but not for men? That only solidifies my already strong belief that many women fear losing their monopoly on sex and sexual attraction/societal power. And so they protest on grounds of “sexism”, but in fact what they are truly protesting is male sexual freedom and the irreversible loss of their own female power in the world.
And then of course, those same protesters conveniently ignore the fact that the same argument of “sexism” could easily be made against their own sexual devices. At least men are making the effort to mimic the female form in THEIR machinery. Women just reduce men down to nothing more than a motorized penis. Can we not call THEIR machines “sexist”?
I don’t say any of this in some hateful way, only in as logical a way as I can manage.
A. If sexbots are ok for women to have, but not for men, then women are sexually free and men are not.
B. If women are free, but men are not free, then men must be slaves and prisoners. There is no in-between. You are either free or you are not.
C. If men are sexual slaves, then it stands to reason that women are the “masters”. By creating sexbots, men grasp at their own “freedom” and escape their “masters”.
(If you have any comments to make about this, I’d love to hear it; I’ve always been curious about the “Professional” type of logic that people speak of, like “A must logically lead into B, which must logically lead into C”. But how do you always know if what you’re saying is actually logical and not just what you THINK is logical? Can you not be fooled by your own mind?)
Personal Remarks:
Personally, I’m on the fence about it.
In a Christian sense, this seems wrong to me. My beliefs would steer me towards saying “This goes against God’s plan for men and women to be together”.
But personally, despite all the considerations on display here, I simply can’t bring myself to fault these inventors for creating such a thing when faced with this modern world. To be perfectly blunt, being a man these days sucks. It’s actually weirder to meet a man who grew up with BOTH parents than not, and we all grow up shouldering a great deal of unspoken grief, pain, and shame.
(Video: Male Grief)
It may be wrong, but I just can’t fault the people who make sexbots, and, in a way, I hope they DO manage to create the future that I envision (the ideal future, not the one where pedophiles screw child sexbots, obviously, although I imagine it would make the world as a whole safer for biological children since the pedophiles can satisfy their urges on facsimiles of human beings instead of ACTUAL human beings, so again, it’s still way more preferable in the long term).
At the end of the day, I don’t really WANT such a future. Frankly, I wish everyone could have managed to maintain some sort of self control and a bit of wisdom, then maybe we wouldn’t be faced with such a future. But we didn’t, and we are. And if we must face such a future, I hope it’s something so incredibly jarring that it forces us to see the value in each other once again.
All I can do is watch the future unfold in silence, hoping for the best but expecting the worst. I pray that we don’t force each other to alter our bodies in the name of some futuristic and misguided idea of “progress”.
But then, of course, I know better than that. It’s already happening. At the end of the day, there is much, much more at s

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