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Just watched a video on YT about a Dutch pedophile who is now selling child sex dolls

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I think it’s fucking disgusting. For the past 10 years, I’ve heard men participating in MRA/redpill/misogyny forums discussing online that the next sexual revolution is how they get “sex dolls” and make women “obsolete” (I’m not complaining, crap should take away itself) but the greatest irony of those idiots who advocate the creation of dolls for pure sexual pleasure is that of course some people, somewhere, will think: “So what about *children’s dolls?*” – MRA should Really give yourself a pat because they empower pedophiles enough to defend their attraction to kids on the internet*. *”But *what* SearchLights…that don’t just stop them from hurting real kids???” No. Does Porn Stop People From Sexual Assault? Does participating in violent movements prevent people from becoming violent outside of those movements? No. By creating a *child sex doll* all you are doing is feeding the wrong sexual response. You are *normalizing* the sexualization of children. Do you want to live in a world where someone looks at your 10-year-old and has sex with them? If you had one of these dolls at home, would you believe that person would be with your child? Somehow, I don’t think so. If your answer is yes, then you must be naive. Everyone should know about this. everyone. I’ve seen this shit trying to attach themselves to the LGB movement, pretending to be their victims because they’re trying to *fuck kids who don’t have the legal status of consent and don’t have fully developed brains to make informed decisions. If you want to watch the video, it’s clearer than myself why this is fucking wrong, check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aokDAeNrE8k If the link is removed you can search for:” Baby sex therapy dolls for “minors” I’m going to wipe my fucking eyeballs.

5 thoughts on “Just watched a video on YT about a Dutch pedophile who is now selling child sex dolls

  1. Hello_Hangnail says:

    Rewarding violence with orgasm is a pretty efficient way to condition someone to further violence. And what happens when the silicone doll isn’t enough to feed the fetish anymore?

  2. diy-electrical-help says:

    Frequent porn consumption actually increases the chances of rapists and pedophiles going out to attack real human victims. Ted Bundy cited violent pornography as pushing him to play out his fantasies in real life and 99% of the time, offending pedophiles will have tons of CP saved on their computers.

    Dolls won’t cut it for them up to a certain point because men are biologically hardwired to want to dominate living women and children. The root of their violence and depravity is the biological urge to reproduce, hence why they use violence and attack younger/smaller targets–it guarantees them a higher reproductive success rate because the victim cannot easily fight them off or is easier to manipulate into trusting them.

    All you can hope for is that these distractions/substitutes can buy us enough time for all the men to die out and not propagate their fucked up genetics to later generations.

  3. jane-73 says:

    This is revolting. It’s wrong to say this will satisfy the sick pedophile’s urges. It won’t! It just reinforces and normalizes their perversion. Disgusting and wrong. Edit: calling them “minor attracted people” is also so wrong!

  4. ceramicunicorn says:

    Nopenopenope. That’s too close to the real thing. Defenders of this are playing that game where they inch closer step by step to what they really want, reveling in the entire boundary-pushing process the whole time. Give them this inch and they’ll take a mile.

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