Is owning a sex doll an emotional deception?

To be clear, if you have this problem, you are not alone. A lot of people will have sex dolls and wonder if they would think they were cheating on her if they knew. For this reason, many people try to hide the doll, but this only lasts for a while. At some point, most people in a relationship have the tough task of telling each other that he has a sex doll!

Sex Dolls: Uncharted Realm of Relationships

A few decades ago, this wasn’t a big deal because the doll looked fake no matter what it looked like. Most sex dolls are made of cheap plastic and look ridiculous. However, the latest generation of sex dolls are crafted with materials such as TPE and silicone. State-of-the-art sex dolls can even talk, feel and react to their owner’s mood changes, all of which are enough to make many people feel insecure. Feel.

How to Overcome Obstacles Created by Sex Dolls

So how do you manage to have such a difficult conversation? How will the other party react? Many different responses can be expected. Some people are happy and support you. This usually happens when the relationship between the two parties is stable. In this case, I wish you happiness, it is definitely not a lie, of course, some people are angry because of it. These are tricky cases.

There are a lot of mean people who will despise you, get angry, and demean you because of it. Fortunately, the other party will not break up with you just because you have a real baby. All they can do is bother you, usually by throwing the doll in the trash. That’s why you have to work things out and explain them to the other person.

But if you use this love doll to help your relationship, you won’t be with you all the time, shouldn’t you be happy? If the girlfriend is in a different place, this doll can even solve the psychological burden of not being able to accompany each other.

What if your partner thinks you cheated on her emotionally?

Dolls are the spice of life, but if you’re with your partner for good reason, you probably care about their feelings and want to reassure them that dolls aren’t threatening each other’s emotional states. You have to convince the other person that the doll is there to help your relationship, not to hurt the other person.

Let the other party understand that adult dolls cannot give true love and affection like real people. Dolls are lifeless, though they can ease loneliness in role-playing. Even if you have a strong attachment to your doll, the doll will never really repay you. Therefore, it can be said that possession of sex dolls should not be considered an emotional deception.

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