Interview with American sex doll lovers

“I never get along with the opposite sex.” John, an American doll lover, owns no less than ten sex dolls, and he plans to buy more in the future. He said this when he shared his daily life with the doll on the forum. We were delighted when he answered some probing questions from baby friends – as not all doll collectors are keen to talk about a time that is still unacceptable, even “shame.”

john american sex doll

How did you discover the sex doll?

Now the Internet is very developed. When I first searched for “loneliness,” “accompaniment,” and “single,” the search results showed sex doll-related inquiries. I was impressed when I first saw it. attracted.

When did you get your first doll?

To be precise, that was 6 years ago. When I first found out about it, I was afraid of the eyes of people around me, but then I let it go and I decided to live for happiness.

That kind of feeling is very strange, like a human but not real, that kind of feeling is too illusory. I haven’t done anything excessive with sex dolls because I’m too fat, but I love hugging them, sitting next to them, and helping them dress up.

How many sex dolls do you have now?

There are currently ten different sex dolls. They come from different countries and different brands. There are high-end products such as RealDoll in the United States, ESDOLL in China, and DSDOLL in Japan.

Would you buy sex dolls again? If so, in what style?

I will buy more but I am not sure which one it is. There are too many styles on the market now, plump sex dolls, skinny sex dolls, celebrity sex dolls, Asian sex dolls, American sex dolls, but it’s hard. Pick the next one, they’re all real.

Which doll do you think is the prettiest?

They all have so many different manufacturing processes that it’s hard to pick one, so I just give my thumbs up to all of the ones I’ve been exposed to.

Do you think you spend too much money on love dolls?

After careful calculation, it is indeed the case. American products are the most expensive, while Chinese products are of good quality and reasonable prices. I will not regret it, because they accompanied me and gave me a lot of happiness.

Have your neighbors ever asked what you bought?

Yes they have, I will tell them it’s a real doll, and they are amazed at such a real “person” too.

What’s the best thing about owning a sex doll?

They look cute, feel real to the touch, and wear beautifully. I love that they stay at home because it gives me a lot of anticipation on the way home from get off work and a little more “pop” at home.

Some people say that owning a doll can help reduce loneliness. do you agree?

It might be true for some people, but I don’t really feel alone right now, but I have a dollhouse so this might really have that effect.

Do your friends and family know you have sex dolls?

Yes, they thought I was weird, but slowly they started to understand what I was doing and tried to accept them.

What advice would you give to someone looking to buy a doll?

First of all, you need to know why you want to buy it, and you have to face the worldly perspective. Can you stand these strange perspectives? In addition, after reading all the options, don’t worry, different brands have different styles, American products are exaggerated, Chinese products are very realistic, and Japanese ones are cute. Make sure to find what you are looking for.

Do you think dolls with artificial intelligence will become a reality?

Yes, I hope so too. And now it does. As far as I know, the US, China and Japan have their own AI dolls, but the prices are too expensive for me to buy them.

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