I’m ugly and just want to date hot girls. Why do all the uggos I can get easily want handsome guys 🥺😭.Also, I apparently dated a sex doll in high school, which was crucial to my development as a “man”
I’m ugly and just want to date hot girls. Why do all the uggos I can get easily want handsome guys 🥺😭.Also, I apparently dated a sex doll in high school, which was crucial to my development as a “man”
Extra special sentiment on the second pic, apparently young women exercising their right to say no to sex robs young man of their sexual development potential.
C’mon ladies, take one for the team!
/s obviously
I don’t get it. They complain when women have “no personality” other than being pretty, but don’t want to date “uggos” that “had to develop personalities to compensate.”
What an incredibly cursed conversation.
Oh and don’t forget women are tools if they rank 4 or below to help guys get better at sex.
Aren’t those the same people complaining about hot girls all being superficial?
The funnuest part is that these are the kind sof guy who then want only women who look like a victiria secret poster.
Those poor young man being robbed of the experience of using a girl as a tool, cause well since she’s ugly she’s obviously not a person and therefore not worth any respect whatsoever, this is their single purposes in life.
obvious there \s those guys are so naively confident about their bs.
I hope this guy is lying, and if he is not. I feel bad for that poor girl, I hope she had find a partner who actually respects her
What a lonely existence they must have :/
Let me guess. r/WhereAreAllTheGoodMen ?
I feel like im reading script for a tier list video
If I could choose my sexuality Id be gay af.