How much does a sex doll weigh

Life-size sex dolls (also known as full-size dolls) average 66 lbs/30 kg and above sex dolls for sale . These will be difficult to carry around. Unless you’re strong and don’t mind the weight, you should really reconsider one of the smaller dolls.

Our doll community, Asian sex dolls, ​​European sex dolls,​​​​small sex dolls, Japanese love dolls, ebony sex dolls, big ass sex dolls, male sex dolls, realistic sex dolls are the perfect place to learn. Our doll community, of all races, provides weight, height, hair, and information about Love sex doll manufacturers. mini sex doll If you’re looking for a hidden sex doll, you’ll want to use a memory foam doll with detachable limbs. This doll weighs only 9kg, which makes it easy to lift even when you are lifting heavier objects. Between the included carrying case and the ability to remove limbs, this body time is the perfect easy-to-store sex doll.

The company’s co-founder also said Sex Doll Genie, which sells custom, lifelike sex dolls, has received hundreds of inquiries compared to the past two months. cheap sex doll The advent of pharmacological methods of adjusting testosterone, as they are equally effective and invasive, is almost obsolete.

It is your responsibility to carefully inspect the components of your sex doll before proceeding with your purchase. Also, watch out for other chemicals like toluene, phenol, carbon disulfide, cadmium, and stannous chloride. The above chemicals are also potentially dangerous to you and can cause many health hazards to you. Even if your sex doll is labeled as free of these chemicals, you still need to inspect all components thoroughly.

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