Buying sex dolls to ease separation for lonely couples

There is a saying that some long-term out-of-home workers buy expensive and realistic sex dolls so they don’t fear cheating on their wives.

In China, millions of men leave their homes and families to work in cities, and they can go home every weekend or holiday, or even less. Couples do not have sex, which is very unbearable for men.

Buying sex dolls to ease separation for lonely couples

When night falls in the city, single men are without relatives in the rental house, and loneliness follows.

Many people feel the need for someone to accompany them. This part of the lonely group, instead of being drunk and addicted to women’s pornography, spent money to buy a sex doll, which is made of soft TPE material and feels like real leather. It has adjustable metal connectors, detachable heads, and some even have great sound.

A 29-year-old car designer who identified himself as Xiao Liu paid $1,500 for a TPE sex doll. He has been married for more than ten years and has a one-year-old child. He doesn’t want to be unfaithful to his wife, but he still needs to meet his psychological and physical needs.

In an online interview, he said: “To be honest, it’s not difficult to spend a little money to date a woman in China, but I just couldn’t bear to betray my wife, so I never thought about it.”

Although it took (a month’s salary), he was still very happy, he said: “As an industrial designer, I always pay attention to some realistic details, and now Aiwa seems to be doing better.”

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“I may buy other types of love dolls. They may become my emotional sustenance, just like I like real women!” Xiao Liu said.

Zhihao is a salesperson for the sex doll company ESDOLL. He said his clients are typically professionals in their 30s and 40s, and he appreciates their loyalty.

He said: “Wouldn’t it be admirable if a married man refused to have sex with other women outside and replaced the woman with a sex doll?”

He added: “Some of his clients even have emotional attachments to their sex dolls. They call themselves ‘baby friends’ and use online forums anonymously to share comments, experiences and advice.”

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