sex robots epitomize

(Popularity: 75) Why aren’t sex dolls classified as necrophilic?

Because a doll, never alive, by definition, can neither be dead nor human

(Popularity: 55) Who is the real doll in “A Doll’s House”?

Uh boy, she plays with them.Her point is that she no longer thinks she can raise children well because she doesn’t know what it is to be herself and she doesn’t think Torvald really knows how to get along with her

(Popularity: 81) Does blowing up sex dolls promote misogyny?

This answer may contain sensitive images. Click on the image to unblur.This no longer promotes misogyny…instead of kicking the flat chested sex doll out The epitome of a sex robot Guy that promotes violence and coulrophobia.

(Popularity: 70) Has anyone given your child a gift that annoys you?

Sincerely bashing my ex, it’s just the truth. ) She walked in and I heard him run away. Then she showed me her “new” iPod. (Well, not new, it’s her half-sister, she’s 16.) She said her dad gave it to her. (I’m not surprised because I asked him a few months ago to talk to me before giving her electronics, hopefully we can have a joint plan to access or monitor inappropriate content when she grows up , he just ignored me) she was so excited she told me “they” (I thought they were her dad and his girlfriend) loaded her with a bunch of songs. She started listening, and then a strange look came up on her face…then it turned into shock, then embarrassment. Then she suddenly took out the earplugs and handed me the whole thing. I looked at the screen and saw that the song she had just heard was Dre’s “Bitches and Ho’s Can Suck My Dick.” Yes, no kidding. Wish I was. I scrolled through and my heart just fell and my head couldn’t wrap my head around what this was about. I really started making excuses for him in my own mind so I could avoid what I was really thinking. He did it on purpose. Over a thousand songs from various artists, including many hardcore rappers. I kept my cool, although I felt like my voice was a bit of a singing tone. I asked my daughter, “Honey, are you sure your dad gave it to you?” She said yes. He showed it to me and said I could have it, but he would put on music that we could enjoy. (I missed the “we” part at first.) But I didn’t know that song”. I said, “Okay, can I have some? I’ll give your dad a call and see if he made a mistake, okay? She already knew it wasn’t right, and probably wasn’t a mistake, but I said it anyway. I went to my room and texted him. “Okay, how’s the new Ipod?” Why are you doing this? Please call me. Instead, his GF texted me. She texted, “Actually, I loaded the Ipod and I don’t think he knew how to do that kind of thing. ) only I know, but she doesn’t, he does know what to do. We had some issues with iPods, accounts and authorization, he and I had to figure it all out, he was lying to her. Or she was lying for him. I haven’t responded yet and she texted “I just added my entire Itunes library”. “My son and daughter have music too!”. (Her daughter is 12, her perfectly healthy son is in college, and I don’t think he left his music, especially the kind on mom’s computer) She panicked. I replied, “Okay, that explains a few things. But I kind of need to try and wrap my head around it, so can I just talk about it first?” She texted…”I didn’t review It or anything” “It’s my library…” I replied “What?” “We didn’t review it because we didn’t think she was going to take it home.” She obviously wouldn’t be with me say. For some reason, the woman refused to speak on the phone or face-to-face. (Not in 5 years,) Her texting didn’t make things better. Because she just kept panicking and texting me to make excuses. I’m even more angry. What really bothered me about the whole “gift” thing was that it wasn’t a gift for my kids at all. They took advantage of her, and they did it on purpose. I know the reason they’re doing this is because they’re talking about music. But it hasn’t been mentioned yet. It was never implied that I knew what was written on it. It’s just that he gave her electronics when I asked him to talk to me first. So, before I asked, they knew no. Whatever he was doing was to make me look bad at his next court appearance that he recently filed to amend his visit. He will have to pay child support, but the more time he spends with our children, the lower the amount. But it didn’t go according to his plan and it was countered. Now I have something and he has nothing. It doesn’t matter, he’ll lie about other things. So the next text I got was Monday. He texted, “Give her the iPod, (our kid) and she can pick me up in the front so I can pick it up today.” I said no. He texted, “What do you mean no?” You need to hand it in now. I didn’t respond. There was a DV protection order prohibiting him from coming to my house unless he picked her up for a visit and the communication was peaceful, about our daughter. He texted: ‘You better hand it over or she Will (his GF) sex doll Torsolose all her music! I was serious! I’ll be right there! “I replied, “No, you won’t come.” You are not here today. Give me a break! You forget that I know. We all know this won’t happen. It only authorizes one account. yours or hers. So the music is not lost. He threatened, “Come in and get it.” “I replied, “No, you won’t.” Because it’s not good for your kids and I have to call the police and you’re going to jail again. “I asked, “I don’t know what you want to do, but why are you giving her access to these things?” You need to stop and focus on being a decent dad. “Nothing. “Are you worried it’s still connected to your account?” You’re blaming me, right? He never responded. He has since given back an iPhone and asked me to let him put her on his plan so he could get a discount. But I then he could track her, but I No, she lives with me. I declined. But told him if he wanted to actually contribute to the cost, he could. He didn’t. Then he gave her a tablet, but he registered it for himself and Parental controls deactivated. When I asked him to change it or give me a password for parental controls he refused. Then a laptop…it was constant and exhausting. But the best part was 3 Years later, she is now 13 and just came home from his house and apparently she had a fight with her half sister and she immediately went to their dad, my ex, and kicked her out. He texted me “You better start acting like a parent and start monitoring what your kids do and shit on the internet,” the letter said. (I swear, it’s word for word.) “I believe that’s why she came up with all this crap she’s been doing and thinking about lately. “(I think he meant her phone turned her gay?) I already knew about the fight and her sister telling her dad she was gay. I didn’t tell him because I thought she had a right to tell when she felt comfortable He. I replied: “I’m on top of her internet access, what the hell are you referring to? “He replied, “If you’re not a parent, give me her passcode, if you can’t, I’ll take her phone away and do your job”! I neglected to do my job because he never , not worth “what rumors did you hear, we’re all adults, tell me who’s telling you things, and you don’t just talk to her when she’s in your care? He then admitted it was her sister but said I shouldn’t have told our daughter otherwise “she will no longer trust her and she will no longer be able to spy on her for us”. I said I don’t want her to be a spy, I want her Have a normal sister. But you do that and they hate each other!” Please try to be a decent dad and be supportive. Don’t be a jerk if you don’t support her. He replied “Fuck you. While most divorced couples are able to put things aside and do what’s best for their children, some just can’t, or won’t. Often, when the custodial parent’s “vacation” weekend (when the child when they go to other parents) is their time to relax. Date or just do what they want, don’t worry. Honestly, I would welcome his gift, it’s really just for her to enjoy, don’t even care that I can’t afford it , but he can, I just want her to get what she deserves. It’s not what she deserves. A gift, it should be a gift. Not a form of manipulation. The gift he gave her was never for her enjoyment, there was always Another agenda. And always a way to make me the bad guy because I’ll take it. I divorced him because he was a sadist. The court ruled he wasn’t, at least for his kids. They were absolutely Wrong. But the way he said it… “I just wanted to give my kids a gift.I don’t know why she came in

(Popularity: 55) Where are Franklin Walkers’ sex toys sold?

bunny ears, bouncing around the convention The epitome of a sex robot Hand out candy. (The first thing she said to me was “You’ve got loot! I’ve got candy! Want to trade?”) We had a great time together, and she ended up giving me a pair of bunny ears in her honor.If your lover gives you a ring, you put on me

(Popularity: 73) If you were a god, would you be mad at the men who replace real women forever with silicone dolls as part of your creation?

ls or robot buddy? Serious answer: If I’m mad at what humans do or don’t do, I’ll be sure I’m not God. Monotheism that God is angry or angry with mundane things is a very stupid idea, and only stupid people can attach this typical humanistic attribute to something as noble as God. This silly idea is just part of a major egocentric trend that dominates organized monotheistic religions.Abby dolls are the same trend The epitome of a sex robot Earth as the center of the universe and then the same egocentric tendency to place itself (the human ego) at the center of God’s creation. Then it makes God the servant of human needs and whims. In short, what you’re asking is just the result of organized monotheistic religious dogma. These teachings, who created God, are nothing more than projections of their own humanistic selves. None of this is intended to support in any way the bad habits of the men you ask them specifically — or the bad behavior of anyone. This is a serious answer. My next answer to this will be the humorous approach.Humorous Approach: If I were God, I wouldn’t be mad about it, I would ask myself why

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